

Harry Hite.jpg

Hybridizer Harry Hite

Goshen, Indiana, USA


Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Black Kitten', 'Black Stallion', 'Blue Castle', 'Blue Comments', 'Broken Sunshine', 'Copper Chief', 'Cream Sauce', 'Dancing Lizzie', 'Dark Memories', 'Easter Rehearsal', 'Fairfield High', 'Flashing Violet', 'Golden Harmony', 'Grey Owl', 'Harry Hite', 'Hazy Sunrise', 'Irish Lady', 'Lavender Butterfly', 'Lavender Snowbird', 'Lemon Marmalade', 'Little Blue Bell', 'Little Brown Baby', 'Little Charger', 'Little Heartache', 'Little May Dancer', 'Little Tantalizer', 'Little Teaser', 'Marooned', 'Nancy Butterfly', 'Pansy Art', 'Pansy Capers', 'Pansy Velvet', 'Plum Marvel', 'Red Harmony', 'Surprising Moments', 'Tanned Sunshine', 'Upstart Baby', 'Yellow Fire', 'Yellow Peaches'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Azure Dream', 'Bojangles', 'Bonny Blue', 'Butterchip', 'Cinnamon Twist', 'Cream Pudding', 'Dress Whites', 'Gay Ghost', 'Glowing Star', 'Green Beret', 'Green Charm', 'Green Parrot', 'John Boy', 'Lavender Marvel', 'Orange Ruby', 'Orchid Charade', 'Orchid Star', 'Raggedy Ann', 'Ridgeway', 'Rolling Tide', 'Sapphire Baby', 'Stumped', 'Thumbprint', 'Wild Mustard', 'Yellow Charger'.

Tall Bearded: 'Apricot Crown', 'Blondie's Pride', 'Brown Tempest', 'Cap And Gown', 'Copper Valley', 'Frilly Dilly', 'Golden Dome', 'Golden Parasol', 'Mount Snow', 'Persian Swirl', 'Pink Puppet', 'Plum Dancer', 'Polar Beauty', 'Purple Dilemma', 'Royal Dream', 'Spring Comet', 'Staghorn', 'Tail Spin', 'White Starch'.

-- BobPries - 2012-03-20
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Harry Hite.jpgjpg Harry Hite.jpg manage 781 K 03 May 2021 - 21:25 TerryLaurin From the Estate of Dorene Hoistetler-Cripe, niece of Harry Hite
Topic revision: r14 - 18 Jun 2021, TerryLaurin
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