

Hybridizer Charles Russell Hopson (1911-1996)¹

San Gabriel, California, USA

Registrations, Introductions:

Arilbred: 'Cinna Mac'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Cinna Mac',

Japanese: 'Raspberry Delight', 'Stage Curtain', 'Tahoe Ripple', ''Taquitz', 'Uncle Sam'.

Tall Bearded: 'Hi Spot'.

References to articles:
Hopson, Russell and Jennie (1964). Recipe for an Iris Show, American Iris Society Bulletin 175(October 1964), 32-34.

¹Find A Grave. Find A Grave.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r5 - 09 Jan 2019, DavidPotembski
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