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Hybridizer Nancy Price

Mollala, Washington, USA


Border Bearded: 'Chaps', 'Clandestine Destiny', 'Revisit the Blues',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Jersey Jocks', 'Soccer Sons', 'Starry Starry Sky'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Dots Per Inch', 'Enoch', 'Gingerwood', 'Indigo Child', 'Mikey', 'Plan Bee', 'Soap Box'.

Species Hybrid: 'Because Icon'.

Spuria: ''Bees Do It', 'Coin In The Fountain', 'Columbia River', 'Dignified Poise', 'Hawthorne Bridge', 'Like A Coin', 'Morrison Bridge', 'Not Unique But Reliable', 'Reminds Me of Russia', 'Ross Island', 'Sellwood', 'Simply Endearing', 'Smile In The Sunshine', 'Steel Bridge', 'Touch Of Violet', 'Velveteen Coat'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Abbey Song', 'Abbey Love Song', 'Amber Star', 'April Vintage', 'Auntie Em', 'Baron Stanley Dover', 'Behind The Eight', 'Big Bushy One', 'Blueberry Pie', 'Bridal White', 'Burnt Edges', 'Butter And Jelly', 'Cheer Me Up', 'Countess Fawn Dover', 'Devil's Field', 'Dover Royalty', 'Dreamy Thoughts', 'Duke Neil Dover', 'Embrace Life', 'Eyelash Mascara', 'Happy Coincidence', 'Inner Secret', 'I've Got the Blues', 'Jared Scott', 'Knight Kerry Dover', 'Lady Eileen Dover', 'Landing Strip', 'Laney Jane', 'Lindsey', 'Little Fiddler', 'Never More', 'Penny For Thoughts', 'Perhaps Perhaps', 'Plic Of The Litter', 'Plum Cool', 'Rhyme and Rhythm', 'Sense Of Wonder', 'Simply Blue', 'Simply Perfect', 'Sir Benjamin Dover', 'String Me Along', 'Sweet Dollie', 'Sweet Honey', 'Sweet 'N Spicy', 'Web Designer', 'Wheat Fields'.

Tall Bearded: 'Almost Blond', 'Angie's Ringtone', 'Another Kid', 'Autumn Unanswered', 'Back By Demand', 'Back By Nightfall', 'Backed By Applause', 'Bizarre Circumstance', 'Blue For John', 'Brilliant Disguise', 'Brilliant Locale', 'Cadet Review', 'Careful Sailing', 'Caret Chateau', 'Chinook Dreams', 'Crimson Shoulder Kisses', 'Dare To Return', 'Dots Before My Eyes', 'Echo Of Spring', 'Egyptian Watch', 'Enchanted Kiss', 'Furtive and Frugal', 'Gilded Girl', 'Glorious Angels', 'Haughty Tempest', 'Haunted Lady', 'Hello Heaven', 'Hidden Away', 'Iceberg Ahead', 'Incan Fire', 'Inside Adventure', 'Ittle Dew', 'Kay Vos', 'Lady's View', 'Let The Lady Be', 'Lilacs For Linda', 'Local Disguise', 'Mad About Saffron', 'Mean Sharon', 'Mind Body Spirit', 'Molalla Mystery', 'My Heart Throb', 'My Lady Awaits', 'My Lady's Heart', 'My Point Of View', 'Needed Holiday', 'Orange Caterpillar', 'Pink for Feye', 'Power of Love', 'Reflections On A Pond', 'Remember The Vee', 'Rouge On My Cheeks', 'Second Point Of View', 'Service With A Smile', 'Smart Color', 'Sweet Combination', Toad', 'Turtle', 'Uncanny Situation', 'Village Must Know', 'Vincent's House', 'Wait For My Heart', 'Wait For The View' 'Young Lovers'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-17
Topic revision: r81 - 10 Aug 2020, Harloiris
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