

Hybridizer Ralph Schroeder (1898-1970)

Warrensburg, Illinois, USA (AIS Region 9)

• From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 197(April 1970): Ralph Schroeder died January 10, 1970. He was a graduate civil engineer from the University of Illinois. His great and abiding love for flowers was overshadowed only by his interest in youth involved in sports. He coached and managed Little League baseball, and coached baseball and basketball at the high school level. A memorial trophy to be engraved each year with the name of the outstanding athlete at Warrensburg-Latham High School is being established. Ralph was a knowledgeable gardener, and visitors to his garden since 1933 were treated to the best in irises, hemorocallis, peonies and daffodills. A memorial bed is planned in the Regional Display Garden. He was a past-RVP of Region IX and an AIS judge. How he would have enjoyed the AIS Fiftieth Anniversary Bulletin. To those of us who knew him, our sadness is lessened by the memories of his droll wit and astute choice of flowers.

Mr. Ralph Schroeder's garden at Warrensburg, Illinois, is only about 50 miles north of Vincennes as far as latitude is concerned, and we thought we should see some bloom there. On arrival the next day however, we saw that we were mistaken. The garden showed great promise with a wealth of bloomstalks, but flowers were to come about a week later. [Richard Goodman, (Illinois), “Iris Ramblings in 1948”, The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 110 (July 1948): 39.]


Border Bearded: 'Sunny Rachel',

Tall Bearded: 'Autumn Woods', 'Blue Shadows', 'Bright Song', 'Cool Morning', 'Fair Weather', 'Gay Charmer', 'Gray Sunrise', 'Green Mist', 'Mocha Mist', 'Oktohbi', 'Starched Linen', 'Tall Boy'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Jan 2020, DavidPotembski
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