

John Stahly (1).jpg

Hybridizer John Stahly (b. 1958)

John Stahly made crosses of his own choice from the irises of Harold Stahly. John planted the seeds, grew them to maturity in his own garden, selected one as his choice for introduction (when he was 18 years old). It was voted a High Commendation award. He registered it as Sun King and it was introduced. It went on to receive Honorable Mention and Award of Merit.

A story about John Stahly as a youth by Allan Ensminger in the July 1972 AIS Bulletin.


Tall Bearded: 'Sun King'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
1972_07_AIS John Stahly.pdfpdf 1972_07_AIS John Stahly.pdf manage 1 MB 03 Jun 2023 - 15:56 DougChyz John Stahly as a Youth
JohnStahly (1).jpgjpg JohnStahly (1).jpg manage 55 K 29 Dec 2018 - 00:17 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 226(Summer 1977): 21. John Stahly (Michigan) poses with fine clump of his popular 1977 introduction SUN KING, Taken on AIS Convention.
John_Stahly (1).jpgjpg John_Stahly (1).jpg manage 25 K 29 Dec 2018 - 16:27 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 226(Summer 1977): 65. Youth Committee Chairman Ann Dash congratulates John Stahly on his outstanding hybridizing achievement.
Topic revision: r4 - 03 Jun 2023, DougChyz
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