


Hybridizer Melvina Suiter

Nyssa, Oregon, USA

Melvina Suiter has been one of my favorite people for so long that I suppose we must have started corresponding while she was busily engaged in rearing her family some twenty years ago. "Mel" as she is affectionately known, has had much success in hybridizing and perhaps Orange Frills, Tomeco, Apricot Lustre and Sky Hostess are among her better known named things. We are pleased to be able to offer her late blooming SPRING BOUQUET and the early medium blue KRISTINA this year—each marked with quality. (Nesmith, 1958, p. 2).


Arilbred: 'Thumbs Up', 'Violet Mohr'.

Border Bearded: 'Appaloosa', 'April Mood', 'Baby Doe', 'Elfin Blue', 'Ladyslippers', 'Little League', 'Petite Poupee', 'Sweet Patoootie'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Elfin Blue', 'Nancy Jean'

Tall Bearded: 'Amber Blush', 'Amber Rose', 'Apricot Flare', 'Apricot Lustre', 'Apricot Sheen', 'April Again', 'Beauty Kist', 'Big Mamma', 'Blue Champagne', 'Buttons And Bows', 'Cameo Portrait', 'Cute Tomato', 'December Bride', 'Docey-Do' 'Dorothy Patch', 'Dusti-Pink', 'Dusty Frills', 'Fair Gold', 'Forever Spring', 'Gold Frills', 'Gold Rim', 'Heart Song', 'Honey Ruffles', 'Kristina', 'Lady April', 'Lady Blue Beard', 'Ladyslippers', 'Last Snow', 'Lavender Lace', 'Lilac Frills', 'Mandarin Sunset', 'Mary Sue', 'Mocha Polka', 'Molly Malone', 'Mt. Borah', 'New Trend', Nordic Beauty', Oceanic', 'Ochoco', 'Orange Crush', 'Orange Frills', 'Orange Plus', 'Oriental Prince', 'Owyhee', 'Pandora', 'Peggy', 'Pink And Sweet', 'Pink Lassie', 'Pink Ribbon', 'Prairie Moon', 'Purple Sage', 'Rose Frills', Rose Point', 'Salmon Sheen', 'Second Spring', 'Sky Hostess', 'Snow Bonnett', 'Snow Breeze', 'Spring Bouquet', 'Spring Break', 'Starspun', 'Sun Lakes', 'Sunblest', 'Sweet Alice Lee', 'Sweet Butterfly', 'Sweet Surprise', 'Tomeco', 'Tri-Valley', 'Twix Teen', 'Verdite', 'Violet Mohr', 'Whispering Skies', 'White Frills', 'White Satin', 'Wicked Witch'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18


Nesmith, E. (1958). Foreward. Fairmount Gardens Catalog for 1958. American Iris Society Iris Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
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CedarLakeIrisGardens.jpgjpg CedarLakeIrisGardens.jpg manage 18 K 08 Jan 2019 - 23:45 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 162(July 1961): 90. Advertisement
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