Hybridizer Joseph Sumsion
I started hybridizing with sdlg 87-47-A, 'aka Grecian Skies' x 82-2-A; 'Broadmoor'. This was my first cross in 2001. I later then took that cross, and placed it into 'Last Song' and lost the lavender. Quickly learned that cultivar 'Widehips' won't work so well as a female iris. Alot of mud from crossing with cultivar 'Widehips', I gave it up for awhile. I still have the iris cross from sdlg. 87-47-A x Widehips growing in my front yard. I have only named it as a seedling. The silver also was lost from the features of Last Song, but so was the over lapping falls, due to
'Heman Blues' (G. Richardson) being in the bloodline. With the silver being removed, something else featured into my seedling instead. It is still lavendar in color, but has a blend of a reddish violet in the standards.
Coming back into the work in 2009, I had a new tactic. I wanted a clone that would have the characteristic of colored edging and ruffling. So, I researched it out, kind of guessing that I would get something with color on the edges of the falls with the parents I chose, World Premier X Ivory Ghost. World Premier when I first spotted it had a bluish white edge, and a nicely blended rim. That told me to try it as a pod parent, and just see what happens. Ivory Ghost has a light edge on the self as well, but with Fogbound having being pure white in the falls, I wasn't sure what would or could happen with the parentage of Spring Showers being the next pollen parent.
The name that is on the records shall be known as
'Moon Tide' and it is my desire that it is enjoyed for many, many years to come.
Tall Bearded: 'Moon Tide',
JosephSumsion - 2012-06-04