

Hybridizer Gilbert Wild

Sarcoxie, Missouri, USA

Mr. Allen Wild, with his genial wife, daughter, and son, Jiln, operate the large flower business known as "Gilbert H. Wild and Son" of Sarcoxie, Missouri. The iris was at peak bloom the last week in May. Besides an exhibition garden on the grounds of the office and packing house, there were several fields containing many acres of the best iris varieties. The Sass and'Whiting introductions were particularly outstanding, but nearly all of our leading hybridizers were well represented. Visitors during the iris season will have the added pleasure of seeing the world's largest peony field in full bloom. Thie field contains one hundred solid acres of·peonies, and is augnlented by other fields which bring the total peony planting to one hundred and thirty-five acres. Many SCORES of THOUSANDS of DOZENS of peonies, cut in tight bud, were being shipped from cold storage for the Memorial Day business. The Wilds feature hemerocallis, in addition to iris and peonies. They introduce all of Mr. LeMoine Bechtold's varieties, and are now introducing some new things for Mrs. Hugh Lester (Lady Bountiful) and other hybridizers. [Corliss, M.D., Phillip G. (1949). Two Big “W’s”, American Iris Society Bulletin 116(January 1950), 56.]

Gilbert H. Wild and Son, Inc., Sarcoxie, MO 64862

1986 Catalog


Arilbred: 'Onliwon'.

Tall Bearded: Betty Love', 'Helen McCaughey', 'Joybells', 'Lady Mamie', 'Lucile Upton', 'Marlene', 'New Honey', 'Queen Of Egypt'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r10 - 24 Jan 2022, BrewItt
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