Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 226(Summer 1977): Minnesota's renowned hybridizer and recognized authority on border bearded irises died April 19. She served as the Median Iris Society's vice-president, robin director, and editor for border irises for a number of years. Her writings have appeared in various iris publications and she authored the chapter on standard dwarf bearded irises for the new AIS publication The World of Irises. She was a perfectionist, hence a severe critic of her own seedlings. As a result, her introductions were of the highest quality; MISS RUFFLES and MISS PETITE are models for the border bearded class.
List of registrations/introductions:
Border Bearded:'Blue Treasure'. Miss Petite', 'Miss Ruffles', 'Pink Kewpie', 'Ruffled Cherub',
Intermediate Bearded:'Happy Child', 'Miss Right',
Standard Dwarf Bearded:'Bing Cherry', 'Blue Trinket', 'Dainty Toddler', 'Right Face', 'Right Honorable', 'That's Right', 'Wee Ruffles',
Tall Bearded:'Ancestor', 'Ice Cave',
-- BobPries - 2012-05-18