Impressed by the book "The Vanishing Garden" Started the first National Collection of Dwarf Irises (500 cultivars) for Dwarf Iris Society.
1988 As treasurer of SIGNA devised Scheme to sell shares in a collecting trip to China.Subsequently Jim Waddick traveled to China in 1989 bringong back 16 new species and subsequently writing "The Iris Of China"
Chaired March 1995 Species Symposium in St. Louis
Proposed Spec-X and Species awards at 1995 fall board meeting/ New classifications accepted
1999 Published First SIGNA Checklist
2004 Created and Published 3rd. Revised edition SIGNA Checklist of Species Irises
Published the Eric Nies Chronicle
2005 Created and Published Spuria Checklist (first illustrated Checklist)
2005 Late summer stepped into a position on the board of directors to fill remaining 2 years of Bill Mull's term.
Fall 2007 as PR-committee chair proposed the Iris Encyclopedia, the AIS Wiki
Started AIS Facebook Page
Started Monthly online newsletter "News & Notes" with help of Wayne Messer