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Scientist Alexander von Bunge (1803-1890)

Russian-German botanist best remembered for scientific expeditions into Asia and especially Siberia. In 1826 he embarked on an important scientific expedition to the Kirghiz Steppe and Altai Mountains. In 1830-31, he traveled to Beijing by way of Siberia, through which he conducted extensive research of Mongolian flora. Following his investigations in China, he returned to the Altai Mountains, where he conducted studies of the eastern part of the region (1832). In 1857-58 he took part in a scientific expedition to Khorasan and Afghanistan.

Also see hybridizer Alexander Bunge for botanical authorship list.

Iris publications:

Bunge, A. A. (1847). in Mem. Sav. Etr. Petersb. vii. (1847) 505. Iris falcifolia.

Bunge, A. A. (1852), Beitr. Fl. Russl.: 329 (1852), Iris falcifolia. Iris sogdiana,

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Feb 2016, Harloiris
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