Scientist Dr. Edwin Hubert Eames (1865-1948)
Dr. Edwin Hubert Eames was a medical doctor by profession and a botanist by vocation. In a 1901 article on New England herbaria published in the journal Rhodora, Eames is credited with already having accumulated in eleven years of collecting an herbarium of about 8500 specimens of phaenogams and vascular cryptogams, including about 4200 species. "A generalist collector, he concentrated most notably on Connecticut collections, especially around the area of Bridgeport where he lived. Eames also made important early expeditions to remote areas of northern New England, Newfoundland, the New Jersey Pine Barrens, and other parts of eastern North America."
(Department of Ecology and Evolutional Biology, University of Connecticut)
Also see hybridizer
Dr. Edwin Hubert Eames.
Eames, E. H., (1909), 'Notes Upon The Flora Of Newfoundland', Rhodora xi : 91. Iris setosa f. zonalis
BobPries - 2012-05-18