

Scientist Sir Michael Foster (1836 - 1907)

Sir Michael Foster

The highest award presented by the British Iris Society is the Foster Memorial Plaque. It is even more prestigious than the Dykes Medal. So who was Sir Michael Foster. The short answer is he was the first scientist to engage in experimental taxonomy. This lead to the later work of his student William Rikatson Dykes. But his botanical accomplishments although enormous, are overshadowed by the fact he was also a member of parliament and even more so that he was the foremost Human physiologist of his day and wrote the text that trained many physiologists in subsequent years. Although it would be nice to think his work in Botany earned him his knighthood, it was undoubtedly given for his work in medicine as physician and professor.

For more about Sir Michael Foster (available in E-member Archive) see the AIS Bulletin #120, January 1951 p.54 "Contributions of Sir Michael Foster" by Randolph; Sir Michael Foster by John Wister #3, p. 3, June, 1921
  • Seedlings Raised by Sir Michael Foster, #3, p.4, June, 1921
  • A Letter From Sir Michael Foster to Sereno Watson, 1890, #3, p.5, June, 1921
  • The Development of The Iris an Interview with Sir Michael Foster by Wilcox, #3, p.7, June, 1921
  • What Our Gardens Owe to His Work, by Sturtevant, #3, p.12, June 1921

For a list of Irises he hybridized or named see HybridizerFosterSirMichael

Iris publications by Foster:

Foster, M., (1881), The Clouded Iris, The Garden p42 July 9, 1881

Foster, M., (1881), .

Foster, M., (1883a), .

Foster, M., (1883b), "Notes on Irises", The Gardeners' Chronicle August 25, p. 231-232.

Foster, M., (1883c), "Notes on Irises", The Gardeners' Chronicle September 15, p. 331-332.

Foster, M., (1883d),

Foster, M., (1883e),

Foster, M., (1884), .

Foster, M., (1884), .

Foster, M., (1885), "Garden Flora, Plate 503 The fringed Iris Of Japan ( Iris fimbriata )" The Garden p.120 August 1, 1885.

Foster, M., (1885), . Iris vartani

Foster, M., (1885), "So-Called German Irises", The Garden, p.508 November 14, 1885

Foster, M., (1885) Iris Korolkowii

Foster, M., (1885),

Foster, M., (1886a), .

Foster, M., (1886b), .

Foster, M., (1887), Gartenflora xxxvi. 201, t. 1244. see Iris lineata .

Foster, M., (1887), .

Foster, M., (1887),

Foster, M., (1887), . Iris Kingiana, Iris Duthieii, Iris Hookeriana.

Foster, M., (1887), . Iris decora, Iris nepalensis, Iris longifolia, Iris milesii.

Foster, M., (1887), . see also Iris lupina , Iris bilioti, Siwas.

Foster, M., (1887), " Iris Sari, var. Lurida", .

Foster, M., (1888), Iris Korolkowii, . P.36-37.

Foster, M., (1888), Irises, The Gardeners' Chronicle, August 18, 1888. P.182-183. I. cypriana, I. barnumae.

Foster, M., (1889), Iris Rosenbachiana, .

Foster, M., (1889), Iris Gatesii, Florist and Nursery Exchange, Vol. 2 No. 1 p. 309

Foster, M., (1889), Iris caucasica and Iris orchioides, .

Foster, M., (1889), Iris Iberica, .

Foster, M.,(1889), "On Irises", Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society vol. 11 p.131-149.

Foster, M.,(1889), Iris Bakeriana, Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Tab. 7084. Nov. 1st 1889.

Foster, M., (1890), Iris Bakeriana, .

Foster, M., (1890), Home Correspondence, Iris sindjarensis, .

Foster, M., (1890), 'Monspur', .

Foster, M., (1890), 'Monspur',

Foster, M., (1892), Iris Lorteti (Barbey). : August 6: Iris Lorteti

Foster, M., (1892), Iris Lorteti. .

Foster, M., (1892), I. nepalensis var. letha, : I. nepalensis var. letha ( collettii).

Foster, M., (1892), Iris nepalensis, .

Foster, M., (1892), Bulbous Irises, London (1892), Royal Horticultural Society.

Foster, M., (1893), Garden Flora. The Oncocyclus Group of Irises. .

Foster, M., (1893), New or Noteworthy Plants. . see Iris athoa.

Foster, M., (1893), . Iris Kashmiriana]]

Foster, M., (1898),

Foster, M.,(1899), The Gardeners' Chronicle, vol. xxv, p.225, Iris tubergeniana

Foster, M.,(1899), New or Noteworthy Plants, The Gardeners' Chronicle, p.389, Nov. 25, Iris sofarana.

Foster, M., (1901), New or Noteworthy Plants, Iris Ewbankiana. The Gardeners' Chronicle. 3rd Ser. 29: 397. fig. 152. (407) 22 June.

Foster, M., (1901), New or Noteworthy Plants, Iris Willmottiana, The Gardeners' Chronicle p.261-262. April 27, 1901.

Foster, M., ex Sprenger, (1901),Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. p.328. Iris talischii.

Foster, M., (1902), _ ; I. warleyensis.

Foster, M., (1902), _

Foster, M., (1902), The Gardeners' Chronicle, vol. xxxi. p. 385-386. Fig. 134; . I. bucharica; and I. warleyensis.

Foster, M., (1902), Journal of Horticulture Ser. 3, vol. lxiv. p. 339. . I. warleyensis.

Foster, M., (1903), Journal of Horticulture. Ser. 3, vol.xlv. p. 260-261. Iris bucharica figured.

Foster, M., (1903), The Identity of Iris Hookeri and the Asian I. Setosa., . Iris setosa var. canadensis.

Foster, M., (1904),

Foster, M., (1906),New or Noteworthy Plants, The Gardeners' Chronicle 3rd. ser., vol.40, p.125, August 25, 1906, Iris taitii.

-- BobPries - 2011-10-14
Topic revision: r29 - 13 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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