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Scientist: Masao Kitagawa (1909-1995)

Japanese botanist.

Also see hybridizer Masao Kitagawa.

Iris publications:

Kitagawa, M. (1933), A new Iris from South Manchuria, The Journal of Japanese Botany ix. 246-250. I. kobayashii.

Kitagawa, M. (1934), Contributio ad Cognitionem Florae Manshuricae III, The Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) vol. XLVIII, No. 566, p. 92-115. Iris typhifolia..

Kitagawa, M. (1935), Contributio ad Cognitionem Florae Manshuricae VI, The Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) vol. XLIX, no. 580. p. 222-, April 20, 1935.Iris uniflora var. caricina.
Topic revision: r3 - 25 Feb 2016, Harloiris
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