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Biographies of Irisarians

Hybridizers, scientists, and all irisarians have contributed to the understanding, advancement, and enjoyment of irises. Biographies of these irisarians are being collected here. You will find publications by some of the same irisarians in the Library section of the Iris Encyclopedia. Related information may be found in the History of the American Iris Society, which has the awards AIS provides to people.


Hybridizers Hybridizers
Here you will find a listing of Just Hybridizers. As our two young beginners suggest, everyone can have fun trying their hand. But most hybridizers study very carefully the potential for the crosses they make. The listing continues to grow but has over 1,000 individuals who have added and continue to add to the development of the Iris. By clicking on their names, their bio pages will eventually contain their image, their registrations and introductions and a short biography. If you have images of many of the older hybridizers please share and help us flesh out their pages.

Scientists and Authors

ScientistsSir Michael Foster
A list of the hybridizers tells only part of the story. Before there was hybridization, there were the explorers who brought back the Irises, Scientists who identified them and studied them, authors who wrote about them and many others who contributed to the understanding of the Genus Iris. Here you will find a list than can take you to their biographies, list of writings, etc. Some were also hybridizers.

Other Notables

Notable IndividualsWister
Besides scientists, explorers, authors and hybridizers, there are many individuals of note who have contributed enormously to the Iris Societies and the information around the Genus Iris. Some were administrators in the various Iris Societies, some educators, and others who were hard to categorize. Many received high honors without every hybridizing an Iris, or discovering new information. Most will be found under the honorary awards of the society: Others were the leaders, and presidents of the American Iris Society, The British Iris Society, etc. We will attempt to list some of these individuals.

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Topic revision: r34 - 25 Jun 2024, BobPries
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