About Pedigrees:

Pedigrees can display the parentage of cultivars at a glance. But unfortunately the information and images for most pedigrees are unavailable. Many fine irises have been grown from bee pods. But bees do not record the pollen parents. When a seedling is part of the parentage there is seldom an image for the seedling. Because there are so many holes for images in most parentages it is not worthwhile to display a pedigree. A few pedigrees were created for award winning irises that could display more than half of their parents. Pedigrees will be added as images become available. Here is a selection of pedigrees available so far. You can add to these by using the templates below. If you have an image of a seedling that is missing from a pedigree please e-mail me at and I will add it.


Pedigrees for:

Border Bearded Pedigrees

Intermediate Bearded Pedigrees

Miniature Dwarf Bearded Pedigrees

Miniature Tall Bearded Pedigrees

Tall-Bearded Pedigrees

Louisiana Iris Pedigrees

Spuria Pedgrees

'Castor River'



  • Landscape Template
    • This Microsoft application can be opened by clicking on the attachment "Template Landscape Pedigree Master.docx". The size of the text and picture boxes are adjustible and the content can be easily pasted into each.
  • Portrait Template
    • This Microsoft application can be opened by clicking on the attachment "Portrait template Master.docx" below. The size of the text and picture boxes are adjustible and the content can be easily pasted into each.
  • Templates may be *VIEWED ONLY by clicking on the thumbnails below.* Click on attachments, not thumbnails, to work with them!

-- BobPries - 12 Feb 2019
Topic revision: r25 - 10 Jan 2025, BobPries
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