

Section Iris

This is a section in the Subgenus Iris. This group is your typical bearded Iris. They have been refered to as Pogon Iris, and Eupogon Irises, the first just meaning bearded and the second meaning true bearded. The group has a very large number of species including the type species for the genus and the family, Iris germanica.

The following are the species included in this section as recorded in A Guide to Species Irises, Their Identification and Cultivation by the British Iris Society Species Group, Cambridge University Press 1997:
Iris albertii , Iris albicans , Iris aphylla Aphylla, Iris attica ,
Iris babadagica , Iris clausii, Iris furcata, Iris germanica,
Iris belouinii, Iris biliottii, Iris croatica, Iris cypriana,
Iris glaucescens, Iris griffithii, Iris imbricata, Iris junonia ,
Iris kashmiriana(SPEC) Iris kashmiriana, Iris kochii, Iris lutescens , Iris marsica,
Iris mesopotamica(SPEC) Iris mesopotamica, Iris pallidaPallida, Iris perrieri, Iris pseudopumila ,
Iris pumila, Iris purpureobracteata, Iris reichenbachii, Iris revoluta,
Iris scariosa, Iris schachtii, Iris setina, Iris suaveolens,
Iris subbiflora, Iris taochia, Iris timofejewii, Iris trojana,
Iris variegata.

The species Iris falcata of Babblonas & Papanicoulaou has yet to recieve an accepted name since falcata was already used for a synonym of Iris aphylla.

Other names associated with this section are; Iris benacensis, Iris burnatii, Iris chamaeiris, Iris dalmatica, Iris erratica, Iris fulgida, Iris glockiana, Iris illyrica, Iris mandraliscae, Iris gracillis,Iris italica, Iris marchesettii, Iris neglecta, Iris odoratissima, Iris plicata, Iris olbiensis, Iris pontica, Iris reginae, Iris relicta, Iris pseudopallida, Iris sabina, Iris sicula, Iris statellae, Iris virescens, Iris skamnilii, These have all been described as a species but other taxonomists have relagated them to synonyms believing them to just be variations of another species. We have relagated these to cultivated varieties to note their variation.

New Irises not treated in the Species Guide are: Iris caspica Mobayen and Iris orjenii Bräuchler, C. & Cikovac, P..

Their have been botanical names proposed for the hybrids that have resulted from the species in the Section Iris. See Iris xalto-barbata Murray, Iris xmetcalfiana Taylor, Iris xmissouliensis Taylor, Iris xconglomerata Henderson, Iris xsubbarbata Kohlein.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-03
Topic revision: r20 - 24 Nov 2021, BobPries
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