

Section Regelia Lynch

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Section Regelia: (Robert Lynch, 1904); A section in the Subgenus Iris. Lynch defined Regelia in The Book of The Iris 1904, p116 as (Allied to Oncocyclus, but segments narrower pointed, and each usually with a linear beard.) and said he named it after Dr. Regel, formerly director of the St. Petersburg Botanic Garden. At the time he named 3 species with beards on the pointed standards and falls; Leichtlini; Korolkowi; and Suwarowi.

Today Section Regelia includes the following species; Iris afghanica, Iris darwasica, Iris heweri, Iris hoogiana,Iris korolkowii, Iris kuschkensis, Iris lineata, and Iris stolonifera

Iris afghanicaIris afghanica Iris darwasica Iris heweri
Iris hoogiana Iris korolkowii Iris kuschkensis
Iris lineata Iris stolonifera

Regelia hybrids: There are a number of hybrids between members of this section, mostly between hoogiana, korolkowii, and or stolonifera See link: Sometimes these hybrids have been labeled Regeliocyclus but that should be reserved for hybrids involving both Regelia and Oncocyclus parents.


For Further Reading see Library Search for Regelias



-- BobPries - 2010-02-01
Topic revision: r9 - 23 Nov 2021, BobPries
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