

Series Tenuifoliae (Diehls) Lawrence

Series Tenuifoliae (Diels) Lawrence. A group of plants within the Section Limniris inhabiting the steppes of Asia. Distinguished by shiny brown leaf bases at the apex of the rhizome, a perianth tube 4-14 cm long, with bilobed stigmas, capsules with six equally spaced ribs, and seeds wrinkled on the surface. Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Aufl. (1930); G.H.M. Lawrence in ‘A reclassification of the genus Iris' in Gentes Herbarium 8:346 (1953), New York.
Iris bungei Maxim
Iris cathayensis Migo
Iris farreri Dykes
Iris kobayashi Kitagawa
Iris loczyi Kanitz
Iris polysticta Diels
Iris qinghainica Zhao
Iris regeli Maxim.
Iris songarica Schrenk
Iris tenuifolia Pallas
Iris ventricosa Pallas


-- BobPries - 2010-07-12
Topic revision: r3 - 11 Jun 2014, BobPries
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