

Subgenus Iris

Bearded RhizomeBearded Flower related links… Botanical Classification

A Subgenus within the Genus Iris. These are the Rhizomatous Irises with beards. They are what comes to mind for most people when one says Irises. This large group is divided into the following sections:
The Pogon or typical bearded Irises, (Section Iris),

and the remaining groups that have an aril on their seeds;

The Sand Irises (Section Psammiris), The royal Irises (Section Oncocyclus, and Section Regelia, Section Hexapogon, and Section Pseudoregelia.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-02
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Rhizome.jpgjpg Rhizome.jpg manage 64 K 11 Jan 2012 - 18:48 BobPries Bearded Iris Rhizome-Pries photo
Topic revision: r6 - 26 Nov 2021, BobPries
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