

Crown Rot

Related links:................Cultivation; Cultural problems

CROWN ROT or Mustard Seed Fungus occurs as a white cottony growth on the surface of the rhizome and leaf bases. Small tan spheres resembling mustard seeds are often present. This fungus causes the tips of the leaves to turn yellow and they may rot at the base and fall over. If discovered before digging, the rhizome must be dug, cleaned of infected tissue and dried in the sun. A fungicide containing PCNB (Terrachlor) should be used to soak the infected rhizome and drench the soil where it was grown. If the infection is too bad, destroy the rhizome and treat the soil with PCNB.


-- BobPries - 2010-10-13
Topic revision: r1 - 13 Oct 2010, BobPries
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