Foster's Naming System

First mentioned ? 1890 in The Garden when discussing 'Monspur'

  • "The name I have given the seedling follows a plan which I myself find useful. The first half is taken from the mother's name, the latter half from that of the father; hence the name tells the parentage; and the ending in a consonant shows it is a hybrid."

Foster used his naming plan for a number of species crosses he made:
  • Arilbreds
    • Iris iberica x Iris variegata = 'Ib-var"
    • Iris iberica x Iris pallida = 'Ib-pal'

Others used Foster's system

Van Tubergen: Denis:

Despite problems with this system it continues to be used today but was and is often modified by different authors. For example Van Tubergen crossed Irises from the section Regelia and the section Oncocyclus and produced the "Regeliocyclus" irises


-- BobPries - 29 Aug 2022
Topic revision: r5 - 15 Dec 2022, BobPries
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