Glossary of Iris Terms and Abbreviations (under construction)
Note The botanical and horticultural jargon used in Iris is extensive and it takes two forms;
2. Abbreviations of terms
This glossary attenpts to provide an illustrated dictionary of this jargon. And you can click on either of the above sections to go directly to that information.
Standard abbreviations used historically in the printed AIS registrations when space was limited. Note in the Encyclopedia we no longer need to abbreviate and we are striving to eliminate abbreviations which can sometimes confuse, and whose meanings have sometimes changed through the years. but it will take a long time before they are all changed. Some classifications have been redefined through the years and the cultivars entries for irises before 1950 are being updated to or annotated with the current definitions.
AB -
ArilbredAM -
Award of MeritAR -
ArilBB -
Border BeardedCA -
Californicaecal. - California Section
Chin. - Chinese Section
DB -
Dwarf Bearded Section (1939 checklist)
E. -
Early bloom seasonEE. -
Extra early bloom seasonEns. Ensata Section
F. - Falls (sepals)
HC -
High Commendation AwardHM -
Honorable Mention AwardIB -
Intermediate BeardedIMB - Intermediate Miscellaneous Bearded (term used for Arilbreds before that group was created)
JI -
JapaneseL. -
Late bloom seasonLA -
LouisianaM. -
Mid bloom seasonMDB -
Miniature Dwarf BeardedMTB -
Miniature Tall BeardedN. - Not Introduced
OGB - oncogeliabred (oncocyclus, regelia and bearded hybrid)
OH - oncocyclus hybrid
Pacific Coast NativePantone - Pantone Color Chart
R. - registered
RB - regeliabred (regelia - bearded hybrid)
RE -
Remontant (reblooming)RH - regelia hybrid
RHS Royal Horticultural Society (a generally referenced color standard e.g., RHS 158A)
A description of the RHS colors may be found at:
S. Standards (erect petals)
Standard Dwarf BeardedSdlg. Seedling
sib - sibling
SiberianSPEC -
SpeciesSPEC-X -
species hybridSPU -
SpuriaTB -
Tall Beardedtet. - tetraploid
TMB - Tall Miscellaneous Bearded (term used for Arilbreds before that group was created)
VE - very early
(relative time of bloom)VL - very late
(relative time of bloom)
Arilbred (AB),
Aril (AR),
Border Bearded (BB),
Bloom SeasonCalifornicae (CA),
Falls (F,) (sepals).
Intermediate Bearded (IB),
Japanese (JI),
Louisiana (LA),
Miniature Dwarf Bearded (MDB),
Miniature Tall Bearded (MTB),
oncogeliabred (OGB),(oncocyclus, regelia and bearded hybrid)
oncocyclus hybrid (OH)
Pantone - Pantone Color Chart
registered (R.)
regeliabred (RB) (regelia - bearded hybrid)
Remontant (RE) (reblooming)
regelia hybrid (RH)
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) (a generally referenced color standard e.g., RHS 158A) A description of the RHS colors may be found at:
Standards (S.) (petals)
Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB)
Seedling (Sdlg)
siberian (SIB)
sibling (sib)
Species as a horticultural class (SPEC)Species botanical term.
species hybrid as a horticultural class (SPEC-X)
Spuria (SPU)
Tall Bearded (TB)
Tall Miscellaneous Bearded Section (TMB)
tetraploid (tet.)
VE - very early (relative time of bloom)
VL - very late (relative time of bloom)
BobPries - 2011-12-02