The Clarence G. White Medal


The highest award given by the American Iris Society strictly to Aril and Arilbred Irises with 1/2 or more aril content

related links: Awards; 2015 Clarence G. White Medal Candidates.

History from Clarence Mahan:

This medal is restricted to irises of one-half or more aril content that clearly exhibit at least two readily recognizable aril flower characteristics as defined and approved by the Aril Society International. It is named in honor of Clarence G. White (1869-1957). Irises of one-quarter or more aril content but with less than 1/2 aril content are eligible for the William Mohr Medal.

Clarence G. White was born in Cleveland, Ohio. After attending Harvard University, he worked for the White Sewing Machine Company, which had been founded by his father. Later he operated his family's plantation in Florida. His experiments with potato growing in Florida have been credited with being the basis for establishing the potato business in that state. He moved to Hawaii in 1905, and there he owned and operated a large pineapple plantation. He was involved in many philanthropies and civic activities. He moved his family to Redlands, California in 1919, and he began raising flowers and extending his works of civic philanthropy. It was at this time that White developed an interest in and irises.

When Clarence G. White began his work with aril irises, little was known about the complexity of iris genetics. White assembled the largest collection of aril irises in the world, and conducted thousands of breeding experiments to obtain viable, fertile seedlings. One of his goals was to develop strong, pure Oncocylus hybrids. Tom Craig wrote this of him in 1958: "He contributed so much to the interest in Aril Iris that his name above all others is associated with them. For twenty-five years, Clarence White and his work have rightly been the starting point for anyone wishing to explore the field of growing and hybridizing Arils."

White's hybrids, such as 'Oyez', 'Some Love', and 'Nelson of Hilly', were almost the only Oncobreds listed in catalogues for many years. He coined the vocabulary used by aril iris hybridizers, and is universally regarded as the pioneer in this field.

From Aril Society International (ASI):

Since 1993, the Clarence G. White memorial medal has been awarded to the best arilbred iris with 1/2 or more aril ancestry. (Before 1993, it was the C. G. White award, equivalent to an award of merit. Arilbreds must now earn an award of merit before they can qualify for the C. G. White medal.) The medal honors C. G. White, who in the 1950s created the family of fertile arilbreds that still dominates arilbred breeding today.

List of Clarence G. White Medal winners - Aril (Ar) and Arilbred (Ab) Irises with 1/2 or more aril content:

‘Enchanter’s Spell’
Richard Tasco
‘Bold Awakening’
Richard Tasco
Richard Tasco
'Rare Breed'
Richard Tasco
'Dragon's Eye'
Richard Tasco
'Shaman's Magic'
Richard Tasco
Thomas Johnson
'Byzantine Ruby'
Lowell Baumunk
'Sand Dancer'
Richard Tasco
Lowell Baumunk
'Aztec Prince'
Richard Tasco
'Kalifa's Joy'
Robert Annand
Kalifa's Joy
'Refiner's Fire'
Peter McGrath
Refiner's Fire
'Noble Warrior'
Richard Tasco
Noble Warrior
Lowell Baumunk
'Rivers Of Babylon'
Lowell Baumunk
Rivers Of Babylon
'Spirit Of Caleb'
Peter McGrath
Spirit Of Caleb
'Byzantine Art'
Lowell Baumunk
Byzantine Art
'Omar's Eye'
Carl Boswell
'Omar's Stitchery'
Carl Boswell
Omars Stitchery
'Concerto Grosso'
Harald Mathes
Concerto Grosso
'Chocolate Mint'
Richard Tasco
Chocolate Mint
Howard Shockey
Howard Shockey
'Desert Fury'
Howard Shockey
Desert Fury
'Sheba's Jewel'
Howard Shockey
Sheba's jewel
'Queen Sheba'
Howard Shockey
Queen Sheba
'Kalifa's Robe'
Ben Hager
'Turkish Pendant'
Howard Shockey
'Syrian Princess'
Howard Shockey
'Persian Padishah'
Howard Shockey
'Khyber Pass'
Kenneth Kidd
'Syrian Jewel'
Howard Shockey

List of Clarence G. White Award winners - Aril (Ar) and Arilbred (Ab) Irises with 1/2 or more aril content:
(Prior to 1993)

Note that most classifications within the AIS Awards System began with Award of Merit (AM) equivalent Awards, later elevated to Medal status. At this transition, previous Award winners from a specified period of time re-competed for the higher Medal honors. Thus there are some duplicate entries (*).

The announcement of The Clarence G. White Memorial Award in the July 1959 AIS Bulletin.

1992 - (No Award) 'Syrian Jewel'
H. Shockey
'Dee Mouse'1990 - H. Danielson 'Pro News'1989 - H. Danielson 'Tabriz'1988 - K. Kidd 'Cool Oasis'1987 - B. Hager 'Khyber Pass'1986 () - K. Kidd 'Zemira'1985 - L. Rich 'Snow Over Chicago'1984 - H. Danielson 'Prince Thou Art'1983 - M. Rogers 'Bionic Burst'1982 - H. Danielson 'Martha Mia'1981 - E. Hunt 'Sheik'1980 - B. Hager 'Genetic Dancer'1979 - H. Danielson 'Stars Over Chicago'1978 - H. Danielson 'Bangladesh'1977 - L. Peterson 'Loudmouth'1976 - L. Rich 'Grand Vizier'1975 - W. Hawkinson 'Syrian Moon'1974 - R. Brizendine 'Bethlehem Song'1973 - D. Foster 'Soni Ce'1972 - L. Peterson 'Esther, The Queen 1971 - E. Hunt 'Big Black Bumblebee'1970 - H. Danielson 'Bethlehem Star'1969 - D. Foster 'Wee Scot' 1968 - Street 'Spring Nocturne'1967 - D. Boen 'Imaret'1966 - Wilkes 'Golden Joppa'1965 - J. Linse 'Real Gold' 1964 - L. Austin 'Wind Shadows' 1964 - R. Conrad 'Mohrning Haze' 1962 - W. Luihn 'Striped Butterfly'1963 - Noyd 'Trophy' 1961 - Linse 'Witch Doctor' 1960 - G. Plough 'Mary McClellan' 1959 T. Craig


-- BobPries - 2009-12-24
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1959_07_AIS CGW Award Announcement.pdfpdf 1959_07_AIS CGW Award Announcement.pdf manage 296 K 17 Aug 2024 - 15:24 DougChyz CGW Memorial Award Announcement in 1959
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Topic revision: r48 - 03 Feb 2025, DougChyz
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