

Membership Involvement (Under Construction)

A guide to getting the most from joining the Iris community:


  • Learning about new things is one of the great joys of interacting with the Iris community. Sharing and trading plants, pollen or seeds can open new doors for the development of your garden.
  • Learning from the successes and failures of others not only makes one a better gardener but allows better incites into why problems arise or challenges are met.
  • Sharing ones own garden stories helps others to view their own gardens in new an unexpected ways.


  • Showing a prized specimen at an Iris show strokes our pride but also enlightens others as to the potential of the plant
  • Entering photo contests and sharing photos on the wiki helps strengthens artistic and technical skills while delighting viewers
  • Selecting the best irises helps improve the gene pool and adapt our plants to the fast changing world.


  • Hybridizing new Irises and disseminating the plants opens opportunities for new possibilities


-- BobPries - 19 Jun 2024
Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jun 2024, BobPries
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