


The offspring or progeny of a cross can tell us something about the genetic makup of the cross and possibly indicate what similar crosses might produce. The same two irises will often produced distinctly different results depending on which is used as the pod or pollen parent.

Certain irises have stronger tendencies to produce specific traits and might be favored as a parent by hybridizers seeking that attribute. For example "Chubby Cheeks" was used extensively by SDB hybridizers to bring its form to its offspring. Although 'Chubby Cheeks did not itself win any top awards it was given the Board of Directors Award for its use as an important parent.

Historically many award winning irises acted as major foundation plants various lines of development. An example of an important foundation plant is "Amas" which helped to convert tall bearded irises to tetraploids.

It takes time before the importance of a particular cultivar can be properly assessed. A relatively new iris that wins the dykes may have an effect on hybridizing for years to come. A cultivar's registered progeny with many different crosses informs us about its genetic possibilities. An example below is "Montmartre".

'Montmartre' as pod parent crossed with

'Montmartre' pod parent crossed with offspring
'Montmartre' X 'Decadence' = 'Aime Bay'
'Montmartre' X 'Lip Service' = 'Volcanic Glow'
'Montmartre' X 'Elizabethan Age' = 'Duchesse Anne'
'Montmartre' X 'Boulevard Jazz' = 'Mocium Panie'
'Montmartre' X 'Gypsy Glitter' = 'Monarch falls'
'Montmartre' X 'Duplication' = 'Noces De Diamant'
'Montmartre' X 'Ray Dale Kerr' = 'Organ Mountain Sunrise'
'Montmartre' X 'Gypsy Glitter' = 'Velvet Rhapsody'
'Montmartre' X 'Pep Rally' = 'Violet Femme'

'Montmartre' as pollen parent crossed with

crossed with 'Montmartre' pollen parent offspring
'Love And Devotion' X 'Montmartre' = 'Affair To Remember'
  X 'Montmartre'  
'Snapshot' X 'Montmartre' = 'Beauté De Sologne'
'Secret Recipe' X 'Montmartre' = 'Brocart'
'Into the Light' X 'Montmartre' = 'Iceberg Ahead'
'Elizabethan Age' X 'Montmartre' = 'Lumière Du Léon'
  X 'Montmartre'  
  X 'Montmartre'  

Other Irises and their progeny

'Skyhooks' progeny;


-- BobPries - 12 Feb 2019
Topic revision: r7 - 12 Oct 2023, AlainFranco
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