

Siberian Irises Popularity Poll 2011

The Society for Siberian Irises has been conducting a poll of its members for many years. These are the top 10 in their voting for 2011 as reported here.

'Magnum Bordeaux' -#1-Tie
'Miss Apple' -#1-Tie
'Ruffles And Flourishes' -#1-Tie
'Swans In Flight' -#1-Tie
'Blueberry Fair' -#5
'China Spring' -#6-Tie
'Humors Of Whiskey' -#6-Tie
'So Van Gogh' -#6-Tie
'Strawberry Fair' -#6-Tie
'Coronation Anthem' -#10-Tie
'Emily Anne' -#10-Tie
'Hooked Again' -#10-Tie
'Jewelled Crown' -#10-Tie
'Kaboom' -#10-Tie
'Roaring Jelly' -#10-Tie

Results as shown on the Society for Siberian Irises website

Rank   Votes 2008 rank
1 MAGNUM BORDEAUX (Bauer/Coble '00) 10 2
1 MISS APPLE (Schafer/Sacks '09) 10 -
1 RUFFLES & FLOURISHES (Hollingworth '02) 10 -
1 SWANS IN FLIGHT (Hollingworth '06) 10 -
5 BLUEBERRY FAIR (Hollingworth '95) 9 1
6 CHINA SPRING (Bauer/Coble '99) 8 8
6 HUMORS OF WHISKEY (Schafer/Sacks '07) 8 -
6 SO VAN GOGH (Schafer/Sacks '05) 8 -
6 STRAWBERRY FAIR (Hollingworth '94) 8 4
10 CORONATION ANTHEM (Hollingworth '90) 7 11
10 EMILY ANNE (Hollingworth '02) 7 10
10 HOOKED AGAIN (Copeland '06) 7 11
10 JEWELLED CROWN (Hollingworth '87) 7 3
10 KABOOM (Bauer/Coble '01) 7 -
10 ROARING JELLY (Schafer/Sacks '92) 7 5

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Interested in Siberian iris? Please visit the: The Society for Siberian Irises website.

Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- WayneMesser - 2015-03-30
Topic revision: r13 - 13 Aug 2019, WayneMesser
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