

Reblooming Irises

This is an example of the many exciting reblooming irises. For more information about them, go to!
For a complete list of rebloomers, The 2022 Cumulative Checklist of Reblooming Irises is now available! The checklist has over 4,200 entries of rebloomers in its 349 pages. It is available as a bound book or a flash drive. International orders will be sent as an attachment via email. We welcome your orders!

An exciting new area of Irises are the rebloomers. Traditionally most Iris species have bloomed in the spring. Hybridizers soon noticed that some will rebloom in the fall. Various species have shown this tendency. Iris bicapitata which until recently has not been in collections has been said to start blooming in the Fall and continue until Spring. Of course that type of continuous bloom would only occur in milder winter climates. New hybrids of tall bearded Irises have demonstrated am ability to rebloom farther north before winter and some varieties may rebloom more that once given the right conditions.

See below:

Help Assemble the Data

All gardeners could contribute substantially to our knowledge by adding notes to the comment section of any of the cultivar pages on this wiki. Record date (Day, Month, Year) of bloom and the location of where they were growing. The wiki could add substantially to the data we have and help hybridizers choose parents for developing rebloom and even continuous bloom of cultivars for their region. For more information about reblooming Iris join the Reblooming Iris Society a section of AIS.

Regional Differences

Different geographic areas have different star rebloomers. Below is a list of varieties by color that have proven themselves reliable rebloomers in Region 4 which consists of the states of Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia.

List of Rebloomers

Region 4 has a complete listing on its website, see A-M and N-Z with links to the Iris Encyclopedia for each iris. You can see more notes and photos on reblooming in Region 4 for 2013 and 2014 here.

The World of Irises has a report on reblooming in Region 6.

The Iris Society of Dallas lists irises that are reliable rebloomers in the Dallas area here. Most are TBs with a few other bearded irises included in the list.

The Region 15 Spring Report 2012 has a selection of irises proven to rebloom in Region 15 on page 2 and 30 showing photos of 32 rebloomers.

Region 2 has a table of rebloomers in their region with the coldest USDA zone where reblooming has been reported in Region 2. The coldest zone was generally 5a.

The Iris Society of Minnesota has information on reblooming in their area.

Searching for Rebloom

By doing a search for "rebloom" within the text you can generate a list of rebloomers. This does not account for those where "re-bloom" is used and those where the code RE was used as not all instances of this abbreviation have been written out. Unfortunately the RE also appears in words so you must include a space on either side to find these. also a period after the RE or Re may complicate the search hopefully ALL abbreviations will eventually be eliminated so that a simple search would give complete results. Because the verbiage needs to be standardized, searches do not work as well as they might.


Early catalogs mentioning rebloom

1945 catalog Spring Hill,


-- BobPries - 2009-11-01
Topic revision: r37 - 07 Jul 2023, Pamina
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