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* Types Of Seeds * Seed Sources * Seed Germination


Rhizomatous Iris Seeds

Subgenus IrisTypical Bearded Iris Seed Subgenus IrisBearded Arillate Seed Subgenus LimnirisBeardless Seed, with flattened sides Subgenus LimnirisOther Beardless Seeds

As one can see in the images above there are considerable differences between seeds of various species. But seeds of closely related species can be very similar. It may not be possible to determine exactly what species one has by looking at the gross morphology of the seeds but often it is possible to narrow the possibilities to a small group of irises. The above images and those below were taken from Dykes famous monograph The Genus Iris and are linked to the Large classifications within the genus they represent. For a more complete photo gallery go to
photo gallery of Seeds by species Seed gallery by species

Subgenus LmnirisBeardless SeedSubgenus PardanthopsisBeardless Seed, with flattened sidesSubgenus LimnirisOther Beardless Seeds
Subgenus LimnirisBeardless Iris Seed

Subgenus LimnirisBeardless Iris Seed Subgenus LmnirisBeardless Seed Subgenus LimnirisBeardless Seed, with flattened sides Subgenus HermodactyloidesOther Beardless Seeds

Subgenus ScorpirisBeardless SeedSubgenus ScorpirisBeardless Seed, with flattened sides

Subgenus ScorpirisBeardless Iris Seed


Seed Exchanges

For many years there have been two seed exchamges within the American Iris Society. One is for Pacific Coast Native Irises and is run by that section. The other is the Species Iris seed exchange run by SIGNA the species section. Many Irises grown from these seeds have been named and introduced by their growers. Each seed exchange usually offers the seed first to their membership and then what is left becomes open to the public. Not only are many very rare Irises offered but the price per packet is very small compared to commercial lists. It is hoped that those benefiting will grow and return seed later so that the exchange continues. Recently the Aril Society International has also started a seed exchange for these very rare Iris plants. Follow the following links to sign up for these groups:

Pacific Coast Natives





Another Iris seed exchange primarily for species is that of the British Iris Society



Seed Germination

Iris can be very rewarding grown from seed. The diversity of seedlings from a cross or even collected from wild species can be quite remarkable. It must be remembered that seed from a certain cultivar does not always reproduce that cultivar. If the cultivar is a seed strain than any progeny that fit the discription of the strain can be called by that name. But the usual case is that cultivars are clones and can only be propagated asexually. But there is the chance that a seedling may be even better than its parent and that it deserves a cultivar name.

Patience is perhaps the most important part of seed raising. Seeds of many species may germinate immediately if removed from the pod just as the pod splits to open and quickly planted. But most often seed is stored and later sown. These dryer seeds may require a period of stratification. Stratifying usually is just leaving the seed flat outside through the winter exposed to rain and freezing and thawing. Some people have had good results placing the seeds in the refrigerator with a moist paper towel in a sealed plastic bag for about 6 weeks. Whatever the cold treatment often some or all the seeds may not germination until the following year and a second winter. Or sometimes they may germinate in the fall when the rainy cool weather returns. Unless the species is a tropical variety there is probably no reason to worry about the tiny seedling experiencing a cold winter. Dykes reported that some aril seeds took as long as 16 years to germinate. For most Irises, seeds will germinate the first spring, but if they do not, do not throw the flat away because they may sprout that fall or the following spring.

A rule of thumb for how deep to place is a depth twice the diameter of the seed. But seeds will often germinate right on the soil surface if the do not dry out badly. Also seeds may emerge from an inch or two below the surface, a situation I have had when I reused the potting soil for a pot plant and was later surprised with seedlings.

Please add your experiences with various types of Iris seeds.


Recent revisions have placed the following genera into the Genus Iris: Belamcanda , Hermodactylus , and Pardanthopsis

-- BobPries - 2010-12-29
Topic revision: r9 - 02 Oct 2021, tomlwaters
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