

Web Statistics

There are twenty webs that make up the Encyclopedia. Most focus on a particular type of Iris a few others such as the Garden Web or the History Web focus on a topic. Each web has its own archive of statistics that can be accessed by the wiki word WebStatistics.

See Below

* 2013

* 2017

* 2020

* 2021



See attached



The amount of traffic each web gets is based partly on how developed that web is and the relative interest in the topic. Here is a table that compares number of views for each during the month of March 2017.

Classification, Development, Web Traffic for March 2017 (page views)

CLASSIFICATION 4/25/16 PAGES 3/28/17 ■ pages with images   last 12 months March 2017   Views/page/year
All types of Iris 63,223 64,769        
Main Web (home page, awards, index, et.   3,026          
Aril 419 429 179 or 42%   75,420 15,670   176 views/page
Arilbred 1808 1825 975 or 53%   328,138 44,563   180 views/page
Aril + Arilbred 2227 2254 1,154      
Border Bearded 1667 1695 688 or 41%   300,300 31,676   177 views/page
Intermediates (IB) 2754 2796 1447 or 52%   722,663 90,237   258 views/page
Miniatures (MTB) 727 759 478 or 63%   273,733 24,828   361 views/page
Standards (SDB) 5145 5307 3011 or 57%   927,295 97,449   175 views/page
Total Medians 10,293 10,557 5,624      
(MDB) 1565 1591 465 or 29%   208,090 20,965   131 views/page
Tall Bearded 38,952 39,767        
A thru E   11,470 1075   2,857,504 250,522   248 views/page
F thru J   6,777 243   1,564,187 139,394   231 views/page
K thru O   7,926 373   1,316,129 119,131   166 views/page
P thru T   10.870 4482 or 41%   2,276,994 202,930   210 views/page
U thru Z   2720 979 or 36%   494,009 44,755   182 views/page
All Bearded 53,067 54,169        
Japanese 2052 2204 590 or 27%   210,638 22,038   96 views/page
Louisianas 2345 2440 1145 or 47%   280,507 28,025   114 views/page
Pacific Coast 1145 1167 600 or 51%   120,345 11,741   103 views/page
Siberians 1609 1642 779 or 47%   314,031 33,746   191 views/page
Spurias 916 928 481 or 52%   154,041 13,052   166 views/page
Species Cross 664 733 380 or 52%   105,687 10,672   159 views/page
Species 1425 1486 577 or 39%   510,380 46,837   345 views/page
Total Beardless, and all species 10,156 10,600        
Irids (members of the Iris family}   410     43,369 4,160   106 views/page
General Topic Webs                
Biographies of Iris People   3,435     488,484 37,834   142 views/page
History/Library   2,512     158,813 23,846   63 views/page
Garden Web   54     9,614 1,086   178 views/page


Looking at the data it is sort of obvious that the more work that has been put into an area the better the results. Not an unexpected result. Those webs with a higher ratio of pages with images, receive more attention. Because the inequality of size of the groups an attempt to even out that problem was the creation of ^ of views / page / for the last 12 months. Note the first 3 TB webs show only a partial count of pages with images.

General webs

Bio Web
Who would have believed that in the last 12 months there were almost a half million visits to the Bio web. Presently the most information that is on each hybridizers page is their list of registrations, some few deceased irisarians have their obituary included. Some few have an image of the person, yet is amazing that so many are visiting the web for information. We owe a frear deal of thanks to John Black and Betsy Higgins who were the primary constructors and researchers for these pages.
History/Library Web
The History web has been slow to construct. Its primary components are the video library, the catalog Library which has just recently reached 1,000+ catalogs, and over 600 artcles and books talking about Irises. A small area is devoted to Iris nurseries and their history. Interest in this area has been mushrooming. This March there were almost 4 times as many views as March a year ago. It is expected that this web will grow considerably as the next 1,000 catalogs are added.
Garden Web
Perhaps one of the poorest developed webs. The Display, Test Garden Program is slow to get going, yet despite only 54 pages in the web there is considerable interest and The we could grow dramatically.

-- %USERSIG{BobPries - 2017-03-30}%



Web Activity (Year 2020) for Iris classes

CLASSIFICATION Topic Views Topic Saves File Uploads Pages ■ Pages with images % with images Views/page/year
Total for all types of Iris 9,950,696 20,524 15,553 70,705 34,986 49.48% 140.74
Total Beardless, and all species 1,728,023 1,612 1,682 11,572 5726
Aril 65,520 498 16 461 185 40.13% 142.09
Arilbred 354,444 2205 319 1935 1092 56.43% 183.18
Aril + Arilbred 419,946 2,803 335 2,396 1277
Border Bearded 284,691 445 317 1,907 932 48.87% 149.29
Intermediates (IB) 531,235 915 719 3032 1726 58.93% 175.21
Miniatures (MTB) 193,117 396 401 957 656 68.55% 201.79
Standards (SDB) 894,934 1,788 1,320 6,101 4.104 67.27% 146.69
Total Medians 1,903,977 3,544 2,757 11,997 5,818
(MDB) 269,470 439 301 1,744 601 34.46% 156.51
Tall Bearded 5,652,275 12,205 10,418 42,996 20,584
A thru E 1,838,728 6,084 3,214 12,301 6,172 50.17% 149.48
F thru J 999,348 1,965 1,582 7,259 3.446 47.47% 137.57
K thru O 1.012,185 3,257 1.890 8,603 3.912 45.47% 117.85
P thru T 1,416,648 3,177 3,036 11,828 5.706 48.24% 119.77
U thru Z 386,396 722 696 3,005 1,348 44.86% 128.56
All Bearded 8,222,668 18,991 13,811 59,133 29,280
Japanese 226,230 431 314 2,409 865 35.91% 94.74
Louisianas 477,448 1,041 652 2,609 1,439 55.16% 183.00
Pacific Coast 149,289 1,497 137 1,311 731 55.76% 113.87
Siberians 287,069 214 180 1,772 998 56.32% 162.00
Spurias 135,276 206 97 1014 570 56.21% 133.41
Species Cross 122,778 168 112 852 465 54.58% 144.11
Species 329,933 255 190 1,605 659 41.06% 205.57

Web Activity (Year 2020) for General Subject Webs

CLASSIFICATION Topic Views Topic Saves File Uploads Pages ■ Pages with images % with images Views/page/year
Irids (members of the Iris family} 50,480 126 7 569 ? N/A 88.72 views/page
Main Web (home page, awards, index, et. 1,048,528 4,005 38 4,272 N/A N/A 245.44
All General Topic Webs w/o Irids 2,125,485     15,491      
Biographies of Iris People 650,023 2,516 52 3,981 N/A N/A 163 views/page
History/Library 414,085 1,678 587 7,165 N/A N/A 57.79 views/page
Garden Web 12,849 4 0 83 N/A N/A 154.81 views/page

Entire Wiki 2020

CLASSIFICATION Topic Views Topic Saves File Uploads Pages ■ Pages with images % with images Views/page/year
All Webs (entire wiki) 12,126,661     86,765      

From AdStats we believe there are about 8.5 images/page or a rough total of 737,000 images on the wiki.



All types of Iris 797,900 55,259 14.4 ... 108,186 1.96

Total Beardless, and all species

146,319 8,584 17.05 12,813 1.43
Aril 9,217 405 22.76 7.8% 493 1.22
Arilbred 39,178 1745 22.46 7.7% 4,058 2.33
Aril + Arilbred 48,395 2150 22. 51 4551 2.12
Border Bearded 27,401 1579 17.35 5.9% 2130 1.35
Intermediates (IB) 46,584 2152 22.64 7.8% 4926 2.29
Miniatures (MTB) 19,880 687 28.90 9.9% 1967 2.86
Standards (SDB) 65,630 4670 14.05 4.8% 9071 1.94
Total Medians 159,495 9088 22.90 18094 1.99
(MDB) 32,603 1396 23.35 8.0% 983 0.70
Tall Bearded 411,088 34,041 12.07 4.14% 67,994 2.00
All Bearded 651,581 46,675 13.95 ….. 91,622 1.96
Japanese 16,119 1550 10.4 3.57% 1084 0.69
Louisianas 27,416 2172 12.6 4.32% 3028 1.39
Pacific Coast 14,643 1082 13.5 4.63% 1003 0.93
Siberians 31,922 1401 22.8 7.82% 3454 2.46
Spurias 15,179 854 17.8 6.11% 1822 2.13
Species Cross 9653 445 21.7 7.44% 346 0.78
Species 31,387 1080 29.1 9.98% 2076 1.92


Topic revision: r15 - 31 Oct 2022, BobPries
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