■(MDB) 'La Perle' 1901, Caparne 'La Perle' ( William J. Caparne. DB. Very early bloom. Color Class Y4L. Synonym: 'Perle'. See below: * * References Reference...
(MDB) 'Lacroma' 1959, van Nes 'Lacroma' (Hertha van Nes, R. 1959). Seedling #J 62 20. MDB, 5" (13 cm). Very early bloom. Pale lavender; red violet spots; white be...
(MDB) 'Laddie Boy' 1931, Sass ‘Laddie Boy’ (Hans Peter Sass). DB, Early bloom. Color Code B1M. Purplish blue self. (a I. pumila x unknown) X an intermediate beard...
■(MDB) 'Ladies Of Peeling' 1929, Dykes 'Ladies Of Peeling' (W. R. Dykes, 1929) DB. Color Code B1L. See below: * * References References: From Walter Marx...
(MDB) 'Le Pactole' 1848, Millet 'Le Pactole' (Millet Et Fils), 1848. DB. Color Class S6M. Synonyms: Pactol, Pactole. Note: Not to be confused with TB 'Le Pactole'...
(MDB) Lemon Snow 1957 Vallette ‘Lemon Snow’ (Wilma Vallette, R. 1957). Seedling #57 9. MDB, 6" (15 cm). Very early to early bloom. Standards pale cream, fading to...
■(MDB) 'Letztes Aufgebot' 1966, van Nes 'Letztes Aufgebot' (Hertha van Nes, R. 1966). Seedling #F 1002. MDB, 8" (20 cm). Early to late bloom. Medium orchid self; ...
(MDB) 'Lido' 1907, Millet et Fils 'Lido' (Millet et Fils). MDB, 9" (23 cm), Early bloom. Dark lavender and red violet bitone; orange beards. Parentage unknown. Mi...
■(MDB) 'Lieutenant de Chavagnac' 1926, André 'Lieutenant de Chavagnac' (Charles André). DB, 9" (23 cm). Early bloom and rebloom. Red violet and dark violet bitone...
(MDB) 'Lilablanka' 1960, Kruzmann 'Lilablanka' (Franz Kurzmann, R. 1960) MDB, 6" (15 cm). Very early bloom. Standards dark lilac; falls pale lilac, white beard. C...
(MDB) 'Linc' 1973/74, Love 'Linc' (Frances Love, R. 1973). MDB, 4" (10 cm). Early bloom. Cream self. Blue SDB seedling X I. pumila. Hauauru Gardens 1973/74. ...
(MDB) 'Little Agate' 1982, Welch by Hite 'Little Agate' (Walter Welch by Harry Hite, R. 1981). MDB, 5" (13 cm). Early bloom. Maroon; violet beard. 'Wee Blue' X se...
(MDB) 'Little Black Sambo' 1943, Milliken 'Little Black Sambo' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1943) DB. Midseason bloom. Color Code B1D. 'Aurelle' x 'Grace Sturtevant'. ...
(MDB) 'Little Blue Bell' 1974, Hite 'Little Blue Bell' (Harry Hite, R. 1974). MDB, 8" (20 cm), Early midseason bloom. Deep blue with bluer spot around white tipp...
(MDB) 'Little Goldilocks' 1975, Brown by Boushay 'Little Goldilocks' (Alta Brown by Jack Boushay, R. 1975). Seedling #D 1006 1. MDB, 7" (18 cm). Midseason bloom. ...
■(MDB) 'Little Green Meanie' 2014, Sutton 'Little Green Meanie' (Michael Sutton, R. 2014) Seedling #X 1011 A. MDB, 5" (13 cm). Early bloom. Standards cream, sap g...
(MDB) 'Little Jane' 1976, Williams 'Little Jane' (Frank A. Williams, R. 1974). Seedling #69/33. MDB, 7" (17 cm). Early bloom. Standards red violet; falls dark vio...
(MDB) 'Little Jewel by Sheets' 1932, Sheets 'Little Jewel' (Earl Sheets, R. 1932) DB. Early bloom. Color Code B7M. 'Standard' x 'Zullichau'. Main.BobPries ...
■(MDB) 'Little Mella' 1981, Williams 'Little Mella' (Frank A. Williams, R. 1979). Seedling #P1. MDB, 5 6" (13 15 cm). Very early bloom. Light yellow self; white a...
(MDB) 'Little Miss Muffet' 1974, Hamblen 'Little Miss Muffet' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1974). Classification changed (1976) to SDB 'Little Miss Muffet' . See below: ...
(MDB) 'Little Red Wagon' 1980, Welch by Hite 'Little Red Wagon' (Walter Welch by Harry Hite, R. 1979). MDB, 5" (13 cm). Early bloom. Standards white; falls mahoga...
(MDB) 'Little Sire' 1974, Williams 'Little Sire' (Frank A. Williams, R. 1974 ). Seedling #0 3. MDB, 6" (15 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards red, near wine...
(MDB) 'Little Skipper' 1948, Marx 'Little Skipper' (Walter Marx, R. 1948). DB, 5" (13 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Color Code S3M. Blue gray bitone with reticul...
(MDB) 'Lobelia' 1907, Millet et Fils 'Lobelia' (Millet et Fils, 1907). DB, 9" (23 cm). Early bloom. Color Code B1D. Red violet bitone; white beards. Parentage unk...
■(MDB) 'Locket' 1978, Taylor 'Locket' (John J. Taylor, R. 1977). Seedling #L 7A. MDB, 6" (15 cm). Late bloom. Standards citron (RHS 7D) edged pale blue (97C), gre...
(MDB) 'Look Twice' 1965, El Dorado 'Look Twice' (El Dorado, R. 1964). seedling #D2 63. MDB, 3" (8 cm). Color Code V3R. Red violet bitone, very white fuzzy beard, ...
(MDB) 'Lord Of The Manor' 2007, Filardi `Lord Of The Manor` (Bruce Filardi, R. 2007). Seedling #UM04. MDB, 5" (13 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards style arms and f...
■(MDB) 'Low To The Ground' 2022, Black 'Low To The Ground' (Paul Black, R. 2022) Seedling AA188A, MDB, 7" (18 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light cornfl...
(MDB) 'Lucky Spot' 1966, Craig 'Lucky Spot' (Tim Craig, R. 1966). Seedling #245. MDB, 7 (18 cm). Very early bloom Color Code BlFcm, Steeplechase blue self with Va...
(MDB) 'Lutea' 1875, Krelage 'Lutea' (E. H. Krelage and Son, 1875). DB, 8" (20 cm). Early bloom. Color Code Y4D. Full yellow; falls slightly darker; yellow beards….
(MDB) 'Lutin' 1930, Millet 'Lutin' (Millet et Fils, 1930) MDB. Early bloom. Color Code B9D. See below: * References References Millet et Fils, irises and n...