

Holden Clough Progeny

No one knows for sure the origin of 'Holden Clough'. Undoubtedly Iris pseudacorus was one of the parents but the other has been a mystery with Iris foetidissima or Iris chrysographes being suggested. Holden Clough rarely formed seed but when it did it produced an interesting new line of Species Crosses.
'Holden Clough'Holden Clough

Another generation and type of cross 'Berlin Tiger' x Iris versicolor? 'Mysterious Monique' = 'Appointer'

'Berlin Tiger' Tomas Tamberg X 'Mysterious Monique' 1992, Knoepnadel =
'Appointer' Tomas Tamberg

'Roy Davidson' Offspring x Iris versicolor?

'Roy's Baby' 'Roy's Lines' 'Roy's Repeater'

'Phil Edinger' x I.robusta

'Wild Mountain Breeze'

Possibly third generation from 'Holden Clough'

'Gubijin' 'Child of Roy'

See Pseudatas |

Other Pseudacorus crosses?

'Ally Oops'

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r9 - 22 Oct 2022, BobPries
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