Sam Norris /Geo W. Park Hybrids

'Candy Lilies'Candy Lilies,

George Bush

'Summer Snow'

Jelito Hybrids?

'Kiba Giants'

Probst Hybrids:

'Bountiful Blush'Bountiful Blush 'Butterfly Magic'Butterfly Magic 'Cherry Pie'Cherry Pie
'Heart Of Darkness'Heart Of Darkness 'Mandarin Lady'Mandarin lady 'Pastel Parfait'Pastel Parfait
'Pink Leopard'Pink Leopard 'Spooky World'spooky World Summer Candy'Summer Candy
'Vanilla Frost'

Marty Schafer & Jan Sachs

August Affair 'August Affair' 'Lots Of Fun'Lots Of Fun 'Soft Spot'Soft Spot

Hybrids in China

Iris dichotoma x I. domestica

'Ai Hua'Ai Hua 'Aurural Sail'Auroral Sail 'Azure Pinwheel'Azure Pinwheel

(Iris dichotoma x I. domestics) X (Iris dichotoma x I. domestica)

'Blazing Sunflower'Blazing Sunflower 'Bright Smile'Bright Smile 'Chocolate Knight'Chocolate Knight
'Colorful Stellfroid'Colorgul Stellfroid 'Dancing Woman'Dancing Woman 'Daybreak Sail'Daybreak Sail
'Lost Bar'Lost Bar , 'Romantic Celebration'Romantic Celebration , 'Sheng Ni'Sheng Ni
'Slight Smile'Slight Smile 'Sparkling Fire'Sparkling Fire 'Star Eyes'Star Eyes
'Spotted Dog Hui'

(I. dichotoma, purple, x I. domestica) x self) X self.

'Fire Leaf'Fire Leaf

('I. dichotoma', yellow, x 'I. domestica') X self

'Moonlit Hairpin'Moonlit Hairpin 'Seiya Hui' 'Starry Bodhi'Starry Bodhi,

(Iris dichotoma x I. domestics) X Iris dichotoma

'Chic Leopard'Chic Leopard

(Iris dichotoma x I. domestics) X Iris domestica

'Fiery Rhapsody'Fiery Rhapsody 'Happy Yan Yan'Happy Yan Yan 'Sharp Shine' 'Ji Dan Hua'Ji Dan Hua

'I. domestica' X 'I. dichotoma', purple.

'Orange Diamond'Orange Diamond,

(I. dichotoma, yellow, x I. domestica) X seedling F1 (YxS): (I. dichotoma, purple, x I. domestica).

'Rosy Brocade'Rosy Brocade

F1 (YxS): ( I. dichotoma, purple, x I. domestica) X seedling F1 (HxS): (I. dichotoma, yellow, x I. domestica).

'Shining Butterfly'Shining Butterfly 'Starlit Shell'Starlit Shell

Unknown Parentage

'Yin Yinlei'Yin Yinlei 'Xing Xing Huo'Xing Xinghuo  


SpxBandiangou 'Fu Zhou Luo Xia'Fu Zhau Lou Xia 'Lanyueliang'
'Zi Mo Xian'Fu Zhau Lou Xia SpxMaolian SpxMitang


'Norrisii', 'Summer Snow', 'Sunset Tones'. 'Sweet Princess', 'Vanilla Frost', 'Wedding Dress', 'Wine And Yellow Roses'; 'Fu Zhou Luo Xia' | 'Zi Mo Xian'; 'Hua Bao'

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r16 - 16 Oct 2022, BobPries
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