Origin of the Standard Dwarfs

Dwarf Irises were always around from species to natural hybrids, to intentional hybrids. When the AIS was founded in 1920 bearded irises were classed into 3 groups Dwarfs under 16 inches, and Intermediates that bloomed after the dwarfs but before the larger Germanicas. The first act of the American Iris Society was to create the class Tall-bearded. This was precipitated by the reluctance to call the larger bearded Iris, "Germanicas" because of World War 1. People began calling them "Liberty Irises". AIS chose a more descriptive term that was apolitical. Since even the species Iris germanica probably did not originate in Germany as Linnaeus thought this was a great alternative.

But Dwarf Irises were not clearly defined until the USA voted in 1975 to go to the metric system. Then Miniature dwarfs were separated from Standard Dwarfs as being under 20 cm and Standard dwarfs as under 40 centimeters. A purely arbitrary convention. For a period of time between 1953 and 1975 they were sometimes considered dwarf if under 10 inches.

Partnership between Paul Cook & Geddes Douglas

Paul Cook and Geddes Douglas both used the combination of Iris pumila and Tall-bearded Iris to produce a new fertile family later named Standard Dwarfs. See below:

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Awaiting original catalog description
Liliputs in AIS Bulletin # 147 (1957)

Douglas Liliputs

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Dark Star', 'Garnet Treasure', 'Happy Thought', 'Helen's Child', 'Jack O Hearts', 'Lillipinkput', 'Lilliput', 'Little Rosy Wings', 'Little Shadow', 'Merry Maker', 'Pagan Midget', 'Picture Yellow', 'Pigmy Gold', 'Pogo', 'Red Rockette', 'Royal Midget', 'Small Wonder', 'Tinkerbell'.

Cook Dwarfs

'Baria'. 'Brite', 'Fairy Flax', 'Green Spot'.

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r5 - 16 Oct 2022, BobPries
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