

Judging the Virtual Iris Show

As in all AIS varietal shows it is not the Iris being judged but the exhibitor. 75% of the points are for Horticulture/25% are for presentation.


How well it is grown for its particular variety or species? Judges should pay attention to damage; brown spots or leaf tips, infestations of insects, poor symmetry of growth, other factors showing poor vigor for the specimen.


Is the image in strong sunlight with disruptive shadows? Is there a disruptive background detracting from the flowers. If in a pot, is the pot clean? Are there weeds surrounding the plant. Could spent blossoms have been removed?

Generally is the plant/flower being presented with its best face?


-- BobPries - 2014-01-14
  • If we are to judge entries as they grow in the area of the show, how will this be taken into consideration when the show is open to the world? Will the location of the entrant be associated with the entry? Without this, I'm afraid only the entries from the iris heavens of the world will have a chance. I have rarely seen plants in my garden that look the same as their counterparts in, say, Oregon. -- DellPerry - 2014-01-24.
  • Reply: The identity of the person entering will be unknown to the judges but they will know the broad location/climate that it comes from and be able to take that into consideration. --Bob Pries
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blue.jpgjpg blue.jpg manage 222 K 09 Mar 2015 - 16:48 BobPries  
pink.jpgjpg pink.jpg manage 230 K 09 Mar 2015 - 16:48 BobPries  
red.jpgjpg red.jpg manage 195 K 09 Mar 2015 - 16:48 BobPries  
virtual_show_best_in_section_003a.jpgjpg virtual_show_best_in_section_003a.jpg manage 506 K 09 Mar 2015 - 17:51 BobPries best in section
white.jpgjpg white.jpg manage 215 K 09 Mar 2015 - 16:48 BobPries  
Topic revision: r5 - 09 Mar 2015, BobPries
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