(PCN) 'Saltspring Sprite' 2010, Prothero 'Saltspring Sprite' (Joyce Prothero, R. 2010) Seedling# SS K. CA, 12" (30 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms pale ...
■(PCN) 'Saltspring Sunburst' 2010, Prothero 'Saltspring Sunburst' (Joyce Prothero, R. 2010) Seedling# SS J. CA, 10" (25 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards cream...
(PCN) 'Saltspring Swirl' 2012, Prothero 'Saltspring Swirl' (Joyce Prothero, R. 2010) Seedling# SS C. CA, 12" (30 cm). Early bloom. Standards light rose lavender, ...
■(PCN) 'San Lorenzo' 1972, Ghio 'San Lorenzo' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1972) Seedling# PZ 145 T. CA, 12" (30 cm). Early to late bloom. Violet with cream thumbprint and tu...
■(PCN) 'San Vicente' 1981, Ghio 'San Vicente' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1981) Seedling# PT 306L. CA, 10" (25 cm). Late bloom. Ochre gold, washed red brown on falls. 'Casa ...
■(PCN) 'Santa Rita' 1977, Ghio 'Santa Rita' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1976) Seedling# PW 187A. CA, 12" (30 cm). Early bloom. Creamy white with light yellow spot on falls. ...
(PCN) 'Sarah M' 1978, McDonald 'Sarah M' ( C. L. McDonald, R. 1978). CA Seedling# 31, 11" (28 cm). Early bloom. Standards light gray; falls chrome yellow with bro...
■(PCN) 'See The Light' 1992, Ghio 'See The Light' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1991) Seedling# PI 201G3. CA, 18" (46 cm). Late midseason bloom. Deep rich golden yellow. Seedl...
(PCN) 'Sevres' 1973, Scopes 'Sevres' (Nora Scopes, R. 1973) Seedling# 1PC. CA, 12" (30 cm). Midseason to late bloom. China white with faint penciling of mauve on ...
(PCN) 'Shamayim' 1992, Fabel Ward 'Shamayim' (Robert Fabel Ward, R. 1992). 20" (51 cm). Early bloom. White self with blue thumbprint on falls. 'Chimes' X white se...
(PCN) 'Showers Of Flowers' 1978, McCaskill 'Showers Of Flowers' (Jack McCaskill, R. 1978). Seedling# 70 17, 12" (30 cm). Early to late bloom. Standards pale rose ...
■(PCN) 'Sierra Amarillo' Not registered, Rosendale 'Sierra Amarillo' (Rosendale Nursery, introduced but not registered). See below: * * References Refere...
■(PCN) 'Sierra Sapphire' 1972, Lenz 'Sierra Sapphire' (Lee Lenz, R. 1972). Height 20" (52 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Medium light true blue self. From selecte...
■(PCN) 'Silent Witness' 2009, Ghio 'Silent Witness' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2009). Seedling# IP 139 I2. CA, 12" (30 cm). Late bloom. Standards and falls orange and viole...
■(PCN) 'Skara Brae' 2018, Remare 'Skara Brae' (Philip W. Remare, R. 2016). Seedling# PCN 1. CA, 16" (41 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards sunflower (M P 9 L 4...
(PCN) 'Skyfall' YYYY, Miles Robertson 'Skyfall' (Miles Robertson, not R.). CA (Series Californicae);. 10 12" (25 30 cm), Pale campanula blue, edged near white. Se...
■(PCN) 'Smack Dab On' 2020, Cole 'Smack Dab On' (Deborah A. Cole, R. 2018). Seedling 08 PC5 1. CA, 10" 14" (25 36 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards bright lave...
■(PCN) 'Small Town' 1987, Ghio 'Small Town' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1986) Seedling# PN 285G. CA, 8" (20 cm). Early bloom. Standards henna;falls same with blue blaze. See...
(PCN) 'Snookumchuck Fairy' 1958, Hubbard 'Snookumchuck Fairy' (Mrs. W. R. Hubbard, R. 1958). 10" (25 cm). Midseason bloom. Pure white self with yellow signal line...
(PCN) 'Sonam' 1997, Peyrard 'Sonam' (Jean Peyrard, R. 1997). 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standard golden cream, veined purple; style arms golden cream, medium p...
■(PCN) 'Soquel Cove' Ghio, 1977 'Soquel Cove' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1976) Seedling# PW 182C. CA, 14" (36 cm). Early bloom. White self with turquoise wash on falls. See...
■(PCN) 'Spanish Don' 1994, Ghio 'Spanish Don' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1993) Seedling# PG 154K. CA, height 13" (33 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Bright gold with green t...
(PCN) 'Spider' 1940, DeForest 'Spider' (Fred DeForest, R. 1940). White with blue lines. See below: * * References References: Awaiting catalog descrip...
■(PCN) 'Spreadsheet' 1999, Ghio 'Spreadsheet' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1999). Seedling# PB 285 O3. CA, height 15" (38 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Dark blackish crimson...
(PCN) 'Spring Flirt' 1953, Luhrsen 'Spring Flirt' (Richard Luhrsen by Lyon, R. 1953). Seedling# L52 5, 6" (15 cm). April May bloom. Blend of lavender and white….
(PCN) 'Spring Samba' 2000, Hill 'Spring Samba' (Elyse Hill, R. 2000). Seedling# EJ 2 26, 12" (30 cm). Early bloom. Standards lilac; style arms pale cream infused ...
■(PCN) 'Stainless Steel' 2001, Ghio 'Stainless Steel' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2001) Seedling# AP 219P2. CA, 14" (36 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Silvery lavender, falls...
■(PCN) 'Star Of Evening' 2002, Ghio 'Star Of Evening' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2002) Seedling# BP 246G. CA, height 15" (38 cm). Midseason to late bloom. White with overal...
■(PCN) 'Star Of Wonder' 2002, Ghio 'Star Of Wonder' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2002) Seedling# BP 163 03. CA, height 14" (36 cm), Very early to early midseason bloom. Bronz...
(PCN) 'Star Witness' 1997, Ghio 'Star Witness' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1997) Seedling# PD 205C. CA, 12" (31 cm). Early to md season bloom. Creamy yellow self, white sign...
■(PCN) 'Story Of My Life' 2019, Ghio 'Story Of My Life' (Joseph Ghio, R. 2019). Seedling RP 155 1A. CA, 13" (33 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards ivory, b...
■(PCN) 'Stroke Of Midnight' 1989, Ghio 'Stroke Of Midnight' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1988) Seedling# PL 269 J2. CA, height 16" (41 cm). Early to late bloom. Standards dar...
(PCN) 'Sunny Snowflake' 1981, Stubbs 'Sunny Snowflake' (Anabelle Stubbs, R. 1981). Seedling# ST A, 15" (38 cm). Early bloom and re bloom. Standards white with pal...
■(PCN) 'Susannah Wept' 2012, Cole 'Susannah Wept' (Deborah Cole, R. 2012) Seedling# 99 PC1 1. CA, 12 18" (30 45 cm). Very early to early bloom. Standards yellow, ...