2019 American Iris Society Garden Medals
Below you will find a picture gallery with links to the iris that have won 2019 AIS Garden Medals.
They are presented in the order that they were listed in, in the 2019 Bulletin.
The AIS Award of Merits and Honorable Mentions are broken out separately and presented via a link at the bottom of this page in a PDF listing with links to the awarded iris. The High Commendations and Exhibition Certificates listings are available on the main 2019 Awards page.
Return to 2019 Awards page.
Return to Main Awards page.
The American Iris Society hopes you enjoy scrolling through the gallery.
To provide you with additional information each iris is linked to its cultivar page in the encyclopedia, just click on the caption or photo.
The American Dykes Medal (Total Votes Cast = 378)
"The Best of the Best"
Wister Medal (Total Votes Cast = 951)
"The Best Tall Bearded Iris"
The American Dykes Medal (Total Votes Cast = 378)
"The Best of the Best"
'Bottle Rocket', a Tall Bearded Iris by Michael Sutton won with 29 votes.
Runners Up: