

AIS Sections and Cooperating Societies

Sections and Cooperating Societies are independent Special Iris Groups focusing on specific groups of irises. These may be specific types of irises or particular characteristics of irises. Below are quick descriptions of these with links to learn more about them. See also:

org org [[---+++ Historic Iris Preservation Society (HIPS)History, Beauty, Devotion
Come with us down the garden path to explore the charm and delight of heirloom irises. Here you will find many resources and much information about historic irises. The Historic Iris Preservation Society is a group of folks from around the world who love and enjoy old irises and are striving to preserve them. We urge anyone interested in historic irises to consider a membership. Learn more:

Median Iris Society (MIS)]]

The Median Iris Society (MIS) is a section of the American Iris Society (AIS) devoted to promoting interest in and development of median irises. Median irises include the Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB), Intermediate Bearded (IB), Miniature Tall Bearded (MTB) and Border Bearded (BB) classes of bearded irises, as well as Aril (AR) and Arilbred (AB) median irises. Median irises provide a wide range of beautiful colors and patterns on hardy, easy-to-grow, smaller garden plants. Learn more:

Novelty Iris Society (NIS)

The Novelty Iris Society is a new special interest Section of the American Iris Society. The Novelty Iris Society (NIS) promotes irises that are considered novelties of all classes and types of irises. This Facebook Group is for people who share a common interest to post pictures of novelty irises and to share experiences about growing novelty irises. The Group is open to all. Membership in this group is free. Dues must be paid for a membership in the Novelty Iris Society Section organization. All members of the Section organization receive two issues of the newsletter per year and have a right to vote in person at the annual meeting. Learn more:

Reblooming Iris Society (RIS)

WELCOME to the Reblooming Iris Society!
Envision beautiful irises that bloom again after their spring blossom. These irises are called “rebloomers.” Reblooming irises bloom in the spring like most other irises. But rebloomers feature a second or more frequent bloom periods in the same year. Rebloomers are perennials that grow everywhere in the United States and southern Canada. Different varieties grow in cold environments, such as the northern U.S. and southern Canada. And, yes, rebloomers are perennials even in hot environments, such as Phoenix and southern New Mexico. Learn more:

Society for Japanese Irises (SJI)

Welcome to the Society for Japanese Irises! We are a community of Japanese Iris enthusiasts dedicated to cultivating, hybridizing, and promoting the Japanese iris. Our society includes members from around the world. Native to Asia, Iris ensata (Japanese Iris) are the last iris to bloom, generally several weeks after tall bearded iris (late June or early July). They tend to be tall (3 to 4 feet) with large, colorful flowers (up to 10 inches in diameter). Their Cultural window is narrow, however, if met the Japanese iris will be the showpiece of your garden. Learn more:

Society for Louisiana Irises (SLI)

Louisiana irises constitute a unique group in the iris family. Among all the iris, Louisiana's have exceptional variety in color and in form. They exhibit an incredibly broad range of color and are considered very significant in providing the color red to the iris spectrum. An equally wide variety of forms, when combined with the color range, make for truly great horticultural opportunities. Learn more:

Society for Pacific Coast Native Irises (SPCNI)

For gardeners in warm to cool temperate, summer-dry areas, who like growing iris, or already grow Pacifica Iris (PCI), join an international community of PCIrisarians who promote learning about, growing and hybridizing PCI. Learn more:

Society for Siberian Irises (SSI)

The Society for Siberian Irises, a section of the American Iris Society, was organized in 1960 by and for people who love, grow, and want to learn more about Siberian irises. Our membership includes plant scientists, hybridizers, commercial growers but mostly folks who just appreciate superior garden plants. We are from all corners of the US, Canada, and countries around the world. Learn more:

Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA)

SIGNA is devoted to studying the Iris family in the wild as well as enjoying them in the garden. We're equally interested in species and hybrids. We promote them through our seed exchange while supporting their conservation in the wild. We disseminate scientific and cultural information about them through our members-only publications and to the public at large via this website. Learn more:

Spuria Iris Society (SIS)

At the Spuria Iris Society, we're dedicated to expanding the public's knowledge of spuria irises. Spurias grow and bloom well in most areas of the country. Most modern hybrids are descendants of species found in Southern Europe and east throughout Afghanistan, and are admired for their ease of growth and enormous size. Their exquisite flowers are highly sought by both florists and arrangers. Learn more:

Tall Bearded Iris Society (TBIS)

The Tall Bearded Iris Society (TBIS) was founded to promote the distribution, cultivation, hybridization, and development of Tall Bearded irises as hardy garden perennials. TBIS is committed to educating and disseminating information about Tall Bearded irises to the gardeners of North America, and to promote activities that encourage garden planting and garden visitations. Learn more:


-- BobPries - 13 Nov 2023
Topic revision: r1 - 13 Nov 2023, BobPries
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