

Topics for News & Notes

Collections of topics for upcoming issues of News & Notes. Also a calendar as a reminder of what topics are likely to need included when.

Near Issues

  1. 2020 - Convention - program, 2nd deadline is March 31st
  2. 2020 Celebration
  3. British Iris Society & Chelsea flower show
  4. Fine Gardening February
  5. 2021 Calendars Early order special
  6. Honorary Awards - include how to nominate
  7. 2020 Calendars still available
  8. Call for Directors
  9. Winter Meetings?
  10. SIGNA
  11. MIS Convention registration
  12. Judges page on AIS website
  13. Archive page and contents
  14. You know you are in …..
  15. Ackerman Essay reminder March 31st
  16. What's Wrong with the AIS Award System?
  17. share your NN
  18. Teleconference - find in News page - note November meeting moved to December 4th.
  19. HIPS Volunteers & AIS Volunteers
  20. Reminder? - Online Library
  21. Jigsaw bonus ones?
  22. 2020 Mini-Conventions
  23. Does Your Club Have a Website?
  24. Publicize YouTube channel.
  25. Release form for addresses
  26. Louisiana Swamp Festival
  27. ASI Seed Sale

To Think About

  1. What would you do as an AIS Director?
  2. Sharing Observations
  3. The Peony & the Iris -
  4. Introducing New Hybridizers
  5. Arilbred Dwarfs and Medians Checklist

Special Issues

  1. Awards Issue - August
  2. New Website
  3. Welcome to AIS
  4. What's Happening in Your Region

General Reminders

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. AIS Invoices Reminder
  3. Website addresses
  4. SIGNA Membership Contest & other contests

Annual Calendar

  1. SIGNA Seed Exchange
  2. Conventions
  3. Winter Regionals
  4. Nominations
  1. SIGNA followup
  2. Conventions
  3. Spring Regionals
  4. Iris Shows
  5. Nominations
  1. Iris Shows
  2. Conventions
  3. Spring Regionals

  1. Convention Followup
  1. HIPS Rhizome Sale
  2. Guest Irises
  3. Aril Sale?
  1. Fall Regionals
  2. Fall Shows
  3. HIPS Rhizome Sale
  4. Vote Symposium
  5. Judges Vote
  6. Photo Contest
  7. Guest Irises
  1. Fall Regionals
  1. Fall Regionals
  2. ASI Seed Exchange?
  1. Fall BOD Meeting
  2. ASI Seed Exchange


-- WayneMesser - 27 Jul 2019
Topic revision: r29 - 24 Jan 2020, WayneMesser
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