(SDB) Standard Dwarfs that Rebloom
Reblooming irises are not confined to tall-bearded varieties; Indeed some of the first irises to be noticed to rebloom were some varieties of
Iris lutescens. You can help us add to the list of reblooming SDBs. By doing a search for "rebloom" within the SDB Web you can
generate a list of reblooming SDBs (as of January 10, 2016 this shows 246 entries including this file, surprisingly, the number is 196 on May 20, 2017). This does not account for those where "re-bloom" is used (
that search has 63 on May 20, 2017 including this file) and those where the code RE was used as not all instances of this abbreviation have been written out. Unfortunately the RE also appears in words so you must include a space on either side to find these. also a period after the RE or Re may complicate the search hopefully ALL abbreviations will eventually be eliminated so that a simple search would give complete results. Because the verbiage needs to be standardized, searches do not work as well as the creation of a list, which is started below:
'Ahwahnee Princess'
'All That Magic'
'Autumn Embers'
'Autumn Jester'
'Autumn Maple'
'Autumn Orange'
'Autumn Tangerine'
'Baby Blessed'
Please do not enter images that are not your own without owners' permission, this is against Wiki policy
"Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supported by Emembership in AIS, If you would like to help sustain this reference, for $15 you can become an Emember,
click here."
Interested in Standard Dwarfs? Please visit the:
Median Iris Society website.
Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
BobPries - 2011-03-07