■(SIB) 'Sakhalin' 2010, Loktev 'Sakhalin' Сахалин (Sergey Loktev, R. 2010) Seedling# 01 Z2 18. SIB, 28" (72 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards and style ar...
■(SIB) 'Sandy River Belle' 2011, Schafer/Sacks 'Sandy River Belle' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2011) Seedling S04 33B 12. SIB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason b...
■(SIB) 'Sarah Tiffney' 1999, Schafer/Sacks 'Sarah Tiffney' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1999). Seedling S92 65 14. SIB, 36" (91 cm). Early to late bloom. Stan...
(SIB) 'Schoene Ubekannte' 1986, Ahlburg 'Schoene Ubekannte' (Marlene Ahlburg, R. 1986) SIB, 20" (50 cm), Early bloom. Red violet, yellow and white signal. Unknown...
(SIB) 'Scramble' 2011, Grimshaw 'Scramble' ( John Grimshaw, introduced but not registered) SIB, 20" (50 cm). Late bloom. Standards pale yellow; falls vivid, brigh...
■(SIB) 'See Ya Later' 2006, Hollingworth 'See Ya Later' (Robert Hollingworth, R. 2006). Seedling 00N1B4. SIB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Medium red...
■(SIB) 'Seeing Red Star' 2014, Seidl 'Seeing Red Star' ( Zdenek Seidl, R. 2011) Seedling AS 02 10. SIB, 20 (51 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style a...
■(SIB) 'Seneca Blue Rose' 1995, Borglum 'Seneca Blue Rose' ( Dana Borglum, R. 1993). Seedling D 4 33 2. SIB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Wide blue purple. 'Gull...
■(SIB) 'Seneca Night Sky' 1999, Borglum 'Seneca Night Sky' ( Dana Borglum, R. 1993). Seedling D 4 33 1. SIB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue purple; ...
■(SIB) 'Shaker's Prayer' 1990, Warner 'Shaker's Prayer' (Carol Warner, R. 1989). Seedling C 10. SIB, 30 36" (76 90 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards violet; red...
■(SIB) 'Shall We Dance' 1992, Hollingworth 'Shall We Dance' ( Robert Hollingworth, R. 1992). Seedling 87N4C1. SIB, 31" (79 cm), Late bloom. Standards very light b...
■(SIB) 'Showdown' 1976, Varner 'Showdown' (Steve Varner, R. 1975) Seedling 197. SIB, 25" (64 cm), Midseason bloom. Red grape, wide white signal veined aqua purple...
■(SIB) 'Sibirischer Fruehling' 2014, Tamberg 'Sibirischer Fruehling' ( Tomas Tamberg, R. 2014) SIB (dip.), 33" (84 cm), Early bloom. White self; signal light ...
■(SIB) 'Silver Illusion' 1987, Johnson 'Silver Illusion' (Dale Johnson, R. 1985). Seedling S 222. SIB (28. chrom. diploid), 26" (66 cm), Early to midseason bloom….
(SIB) 'Silvery Sky' 1933, Gersdorff 'Silvery Sky' ( Charles Gersdorff, R. 1933) SIB Late bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Perry'e Blue' x 'Blue King'. Main.BobPries ...
■(SIB) 'Simon Says' 2007, Hollingworth 'Simon Says' ( Robert Hollingworth, R. 2007). Seedling 99L12A4. SIB (tetraploid), 35" (89 cm), Late to very late bloom. Sta...
■(SIB) 'Skeena' 1938, Preston 'Skeena' ( Isabella Preston, R. 1938) D SIB. Late bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: From Longfiel...
(SIB) 'Skyblue Water' 1939, Gersdorff 'Skyblue Water' ( Charles Gersdorff, R. 1939) SIB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Perry's Blue' x 'Blue King'. ...
(SIB) 'Skylark' 1923, Cleveland 'Skylark' ( Frances Cleveland, R. 1923) SIB. Color Class BL. See below: * * References References: From Sunnybrook Farms ...
■(SIB) 'Slightly Envious' 1995, Miller 'Slightly Envious' ( Anna Mae Miller, R. 1995). Seedling 85 17 2. SIB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason late bloom and rebloom. Stand...
(SIB) 'Smudger's Early Evening' 1987, Smith 'Smudger's Early Evening' ( Ian Smith, R. 1987) SIB (40 chr.), 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards mid vio...
■(SIB) 'Snow Queen' 1900, Barr 'Snow Queen' (Barr Sons, 1900) SIB. Color Class WW. Collected Iris sanguinea by Barr in Japan in 1900. From the 2022 Rebloom Chec...
■(SIB) 'Snowcrest' 1932, Gage 'Snowcrest' (L. Merton Gage, R. 1932) SIB. Color Class WW. 'Emperor' x 'Snow Queen'. Sunnyside Gardens 1932. Morgan Award 1963 note:...
■(SIB) 'Snowy Egret' 1938, Cleveland 'Snowy Egret' ( Frances Cleveland, R. 1938) SIB. Color Class WW. See below: * * References References: From Walter M...
■(SIB) 'So Be It' 2005/06, Blyth 'So Be It' Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling J252 2. SIB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Pure white self; falls small gold sh...
■(SIB) 'So Van Gogh' 2005, Schafer/Sacks 'So Van Gogh' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2005). Seedling S97 20 10. SIB, 30" (76 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Sta...
■(SIB) 'Soft Blue' 1979, McEwen 'Soft Blue' (Currier McEwen, R. 1979). Seedling 72/139(6). SIB, 30" (76 cm), Extra early bloom and re bloom. Standards soft blue (...
■(SIB) 'Stephen Wilcox' 2009, Hewitt 'Stephen Wilcox' (Jennifer Hewitt, R. 2003) Seedling T971/2. SIB (tetraploid), 27" (68 cm), Midseason late to very late bloom...
■(SIB) 'Steve' 1975, Varner 'Steve' ( Steve Varner, R. 1974) SIB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled deep blue self; style arms ruffled and elliptical. ('...
■(SIB) 'Storm Tossed' 2005/06, Blyth 'Storm Tossed' ( Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling J252 1. SIB, 36" (91 cm), Very early to midseason bloom. Standards medium vi...
■(SIB) 'Strawberry Social' 2000, Schafer/Sacks 'Strawberry Social' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2000). Seedling S93 52 3. SIB, 28" (71 cm), Early to midseason...
■(SIB) 'Summer Sky' 1935, Cleveland 'Summer Sky' (Frances Cleveland, R. 1935) SIB. Color Class W3L. Reverse light blue amoena. From the 2022 Rebloom Checklist: Re...
(SIB) 'Summer Velvet' 2016, Li and Xia 'Summer Velvet' ( Danqing Li and Yiping Xia, R. 2016). Seedling# S 15 9. SIB, 16.5" (42 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards lus...
■(SIB) 'Summerfolk' 2005/06, Blyth 'Summerfolk' ( Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling J246 2. SIB, 28" (71 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards light to medium blue,...
(SIB) 'Sunnybrook' 1920, Cleveland 'Sunnybrook' ( Frances Cleveland, R. 1920) SIB. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: From Sunnybrook ...
■(SIB) 'Superact' 1994/95, Blyth 'Superact' ( Barry Blyth, R. 1994). Seedling4. SIB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason late bloom. Iridescent violet, Falls with 1" blue lave...
(SIB) 'Superba' 1903, Barr 'Superba' ( Barr Sons, 1903) SIB. Color Class B1M. See below: * * References References: From Carl Starker catalog 1930: Sup...
■(SIB) 'Swank' 1969, Hager 'Swank' (Ben Hager, R. 1968). Seedling SB 9. SIB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, Deep blue self, little signal. 'White ...
■(SIB) 'Swans In Flight' 2006, Hollingworth 'Swans in Flight' (Robert Hollingworth, R. 2006). Seedling# 96T11B1. SIB, 33" (84 cm), Late to very late bloom. White ...
■(SIB) 'Sweet Little Susie' 2001, Schafer/Sacks 'Sweet Little Susie' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2001). Seedling S94 30 1. SIB, height 22" (56 cm), Early to...
■(SIB) 'Sweet Success' 1994, Varner 'Sweet Success' (Steve Varner, R. 1993). Seedling 3150. SIB, 22" (56 cm), Midseason late bloom. Royal purple; signal area vein...
■(SIB) 'Sweets of May' 2006, Schafer/Sacks 'Sweets of May' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2006). Seedling S99 95 15. SIB, height 23" (58 cm), Very early bloom….