(Spec) Iris aequiloba Ledeb.

1823, Ledebour

Iris aequiloba ( Carl (Karl) Friedrich von Ledebour, 1823) DB (Dwarf Bearded), Color Class-S7D (Dark pink or red-toned Squalens) Considered a synonym of I. pumila .

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Ledebour published in Ind. Sem. Hort. Dorpat. (1823) 4. in Fl. Ross. 4: 104. 1853.
Prodan in the Eupogon Species p.16-17 Prodan provides the following: L aequiloba Ledeb. was described briefly by Ledeb. However, this description is too short and insufficient for an exact classification; especially as some of the remarks are not true, for example, that the spathe valves are longer than the perianth. An even shorter description may be found in Ascherson and Graebner (1907). Here it says: "Blossoms mostly blue or whitish-yellow. In the Crimea and in South Russia." Bernatsky (1911) states that the original specimens of 1 aeguiloba Ledeb. from the Sarepta region have very narrow leaves, small form, and from their spathe valves they appear to belong to 1 pumila L. They can be clearly distinguished as 1 pumila var aeguiloba, however. As these descriptions and notes are not clear I consulted the specimens from the Herb. Univ. Cluj and in the Herb. Mus. Transsilv. collected by A. Becker, (In Exsiccata Rossiae Orient.), and received under this name. From a thorough examination of these specimens I prepared the following description of 1 aeguiloba Ledeb.

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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r5 - 04 Aug 2016, BobPries
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