

■ (SPEC) Iris auranitica Dinsm.

1933, Botanical Author DinsmoreSherwin Wright

Iris auranitica Dinsm. (John Edward Dinsmore, 1933, Jab. Kulavb. El Hauran, Syria); Section Oncocyclus; <20" (<50 cm); mid-season. S4D; Standards are golden yellow to bronze, with very fine purplish-red veins, or without dots and faintly veined; falls are bronze with densely distributed purplish-red spots and fine reddish-purple veins or without spots and only faint venation; signal spot about 1.5X1.5 cm, orbiculate to pendulum shaped, dark maroon or reddish yellow; dense beard of bright yellow hairs with very minute purple-red tips;

See below:
Photo by DominquezPhoto by DominquezPhoto by FietzShockey photoPhoto scanned from the Leo T. Clark slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collectionRafael Diez Dominguez photoFred Depalle photoRafael Diez Dominguez photoRafael Diez Dominguez


Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai, ex Post, revis. Dinsm. 2: 601. Beirut, 1933; Amer. Col. 1933; 1939;
Gardening Illustrated 56: 389. 30 June 1934, illustrated;
Chaudhary, et al. in Botaniska Notiser, vol. 128: p.404, 1975.
Van T. 1937; R., 1934;
F.C.C., R.H.S. 1936; Journal of The Royal Horticultural Society. 61: 7, 291. July 1936;


Lava Iris. ----

Chromosome counts:

2n=20--Simonet 1952, 2n=20--Awishai & Zohary 1980. ----


See also cultivation of Oncocyclus.

Iris auranitica cultivars include the following: 'Unicolor', 'Wilkiana' ----


Iris auranitica crosses:

Iris auranitica X Iris barnumae : 'Bright Mahogany', 'Valley Child'

Iris barnumae X Iris auranitica: 'Bronze Fantasy'

Iris haynei X Iris auranitica: 'Judean Bronze'

Iris auranitica X Onco hybrid: 'Brown Gold', 'Garnet Inlay', 'Gold Banner', 'Rockeye', 'Satin Bronze'

Onco Hybrid X Iris auranitica: 'Brown Warrior'

Arilbred X Iris auranitica: 'Ech-Chams Harra'

Iris auranitica X TB: 'Flicker'

TB X Iris auranitica: 'Sadee'

Regeliocyclus X Iris auranitica: 'Persian Brass', 'Persian Bronze'

¼ Iris auranitica crosses: 'Arabian Mosque', 'Bess Bergin', 'Desert Butte', 'Ginger Lass', 'Indian Wells', 'Koko Knoll', 'Lebanese Lady', 'Memsahib', 'Mohave Pearl', 'New Discovery', 'Promises To Keep', 'Sahib', 'Solomon's Shield', 'Summer Set'

Advanced Iris auranitica crosses: 'Dotted Sunsuit' ----

Distribution & Cultivation

Photo by DominquezPhoto by DominquezPhoto by FietzShockey photoPhoto scanned from the Leo T. Clark slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collectionRafael Diez Dominguez photoFred Depalle photoRafael Diez Dominguez photoRafael Diez Dominguez

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-01
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Iris-auranitica-4.jpgjpg Iris-auranitica-4.jpg manage 200 K 08 Aug 2016 - 20:06 BobPries Rafael Diez Dominguez photo
Iris-auraniticaFredDepalle.jpgjpg Iris-auraniticaFredDepalle.jpg manage 103 K 08 Aug 2016 - 20:02 BobPries Fred Depalle photo
Iris-auraniticaRafaelDiezDominguez-1.jpgjpg Iris-auraniticaRafaelDiezDominguez-1.jpg manage 175 K 08 Aug 2016 - 20:01 BobPries Rafael Diez Dominguez photo
Iris-auraniticaRafaelDiezDominguez2.jpgjpg Iris-auraniticaRafaelDiezDominguez2.jpg manage 208 K 08 Aug 2016 - 20:04 BobPries Rafael Diez Dominguez
auranitica_-_Dominguez.jpgjpg auranitica_-_Dominguez.jpg manage 20 K 06 Feb 2010 - 01:49 BetsyHiggins Photo by Dominquez
auranitica_2_-__Dominguez.jpgjpg auranitica_2_-__Dominguez.jpg manage 30 K 06 Feb 2010 - 01:50 BetsyHiggins Photo by Dominquez
auranitica_3_-_Fietz.jpgjpg auranitica_3_-_Fietz.jpg manage 27 K 06 Feb 2010 - 01:25 BetsyHiggins Photo by Fietz
auranitica__Shockey_2.jpgjpg auranitica__Shockey_2.jpg manage 100 K 05 Dec 2013 - 20:49 BobPries Shockey photo
auranticia01.jpgjpg auranticia01.jpg manage 72 K 17 Dec 2015 - 13:15 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Leo T. Clark slide collection
auranticia02.jpgjpg auranticia02.jpg manage 144 K 27 Dec 2015 - 16:07 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collection
auranticia03.jpgjpg auranticia03.jpg manage 77 K 27 Dec 2015 - 16:09 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Herbert Kerr slide collection
Topic revision: r13 - 28 Mar 2022, TerryLaurin
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