

■ (SPEC) Iris bucharica Fos.

1902, Botanical author Foster

Iris bucharica Foster (Sir Michael Foster, 1902, Bokhara); Subgenus Scorpiris, Juno; Color ClassW or YL;

See below:
Ken Walker photoKen Walker photoKen walker photoKen Walker photoBucharica mislabeled in Bot. Mag.Photo by Christine Cosi-FrancePhoto by Wild Ginger FarmBiodiversity Heritage LibraryPlate from DykesJoyce Fingerhut photoTony Hall photo Dwarf AfghanFrom Dykes The Genus IrisPhoto by Kate Brewitt-Aurora Borealis Iris Garden,Aurora,ON.Photo by John BaumfalkPhoto scanned from the John Weiler slide collectionPhoto scanned from the John Weiler slide collectionKen Walker photoKen Walker photoJoyce Fingerhut photoKen Walker photoWalker photoPanayoti Kelaidis photoPhoto by Ken Walker; Swan WIngsPhoto by Christine Skelmersdale-Broadleigh Gardens-United KingdomPhoto by Sandor Szasz-Iriszkert-HungaryWalker seed photo sampled


More images in Wild at INaturalistUK
Iris bucharica Foster, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 31: 385 (1902).
A Guide to Species Irises, their Identification and Cultivation, The Species Group of The British Iris Society, 1997, Cambridge;
-J. G. Baker in the Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Tab. 7111. April 1st., 1890 described a specimen of "Iris orchioides" which later is shown to be not the true Iris orchioides of Carriere but a yellow form of _Iris bucharica_
Later Hemsley not yet aware of this error gives the following description of the new Iris bucharica in Curtis's Botanical Magazine table 7914, in September of 1903: "This pretty Iris is one of a series of four which Sir Michael Foster, one of the first authorities on the genus, says might well be regarded as varieties of one species, 68(B.M. t. 7111). But he argues that as they present ******* distinctive, which, from a gardener's standpoint, constitute species, they may as well be accepted as such. This may be a convenient coarse so long as there are only the four to deal with; but, judging from very scanty material, there is considerable individual variation, and I am not quite certain that our plant is exactly his I. bucharica. He himself says that one of the four of this series, the one known as I. orchioides caerulea, was referred by Regel to I. caucasica, Hoffm., and I find that Regel ( Gartenflora, t. 800) figures a plant exceedingly like ours, especially in the three-lobed deflexed inner petals or standards, as I. caucasica.</br.The plant here figured was purchased from Messrs. Van Tubergen, Dutch Nurserymen, and it flowered in the Alpine House at Kew in March of the present year. Sir Michael Foster obtained his from the same source, as well as the closely allied, though very differently colored I. warleyensis, described and figured in the same place, and which will shortly be figured in this Magazine. He describes the standards of I. bucharica in the following words: "small, pure white, extended horizontally, with a canaliculate claw expanding into a broader, flat, distinctly mucronate blade." On the other hand, the figure in the Journal of Horticulture" cited above has distinctly lobed standards.*Descr.* -Closely allied to I. orchioides and I. caucasica, and having a nearly globose bulb. Stem erect, one to two feet high; internodes distinct. Leaves seven to eleven, lanceolate, acuminate, acute, lower ones nine to twelve inches long, shorter upwards, curved, shining. Spathes solitary in the axils of the leaves, one-flowered, scarcely acute, not inflated. Flowers shortly peduncled, yellow and white, about two and a half inches across. Perianth-tube elongated. Petals all having long claws; the three outer (falls) with an oblong, rounded, pendulous, crested blade; the three inner (standards) much smaller, protruding between the outer, pendulous, three-lobed; lateral lobes rounded, central one acuminate."
Seed SeedDykes provided an image of a bucharica seed in his Genus Iris but recent images do not seem to be a close match??
The Gardeners' Chronicle 91: 385. fig. 387. 1902;
The Gardeners' Chronicle 93: 251. 1903;
Barr 1903; Krel. 1905; 1913; Grull. 1907;
Dykes, The Genus Iris, tab. 41, 204. 1913, (note Dkes and others for many years confused a yellow bucharica with the true species orhioides which they never had seen)Description. Rootstock , a bulb, similar to that of l. orchioides, but apt to be more globose. Leaves , 8-12 in. long by 2-2½ in. broad, bright green, deeply channelled towards the upper end, the upper surface glossy and the under glaucous, with a narrow white horny margm, bearing a number of inconspicuous setae. Stem , 12-18 inches high, bearing 5-7 flowers set in the axils of the leaves. Spathe valves , 3 in. long, projecting ¾ in. above the standards, of a paler green than in orchioides, slightly scarious at the tip and edge. The outer valve when unrolled is very wide, as much as 1½ m. across. Pedicel , practically none. Ovary , nearly ¾ in. rounded, trigonal. Tube , 1½-2 in. Falls , over 2 in. long, blade more than 1 in. broad. The pure white strap-shaped haft is separated by a slight constriction from the obovate or even orbicular blade of a bright golden colour, emarginated and bearing a large wavy golden crest, which is continued along the haft as an inconspicuous median ridge, faintly dotted with dark green. In some specimens dark purplish veins flank the crest as in orchioides, but in others these are entirely absent. Standards , small, pure white, depressed below the horizontal ; the short canaliculate haft expands into a broadly lanceolate, distinctly mucronate blade. Styles , pure white, very large and conspicuous, standing up well above the falls. Crests , large, and reflexed to an upright position, pure white, quadrate or obscurely deltoid. Stigma , conspicuous, white, semicircular in outline, but much narrower than the style. Filaments , colourless. Anthers , creamy white. Pollen , spherical, with hexagonal bosses. Capsule , cylindrical, 2½ in. long, with six sides arranged in three pair{-- Walls thin and bulging, showing the outline of the seeds within. Seeds , numerous, deep buff or light reddish brown, irregularly cubical. See Plate XLVIII, Fig. 6.
Eddy 1929; Wal. 1934; Starker 1938; Per. 1938;
F.C.C., R.H.S. 1902, shown by Wilmott;


Bokhara Iris.


Chromosome counts

2n=22 Simonet 1932; 2n=22 Bochants. 1966; 2n=22 Zakharyeva 1985.



Iris bucharica cultivars: 'Bicolored Bucharica', 'Bucharica Aurea', 'Bucharica Fully Yellow Orange', 'Bucharica Lemon Yellow', 'Bucharica Lutea', 'Conquest', 'Cormozak', 'Duschanbe', 'Ellen Willmott', 'Igor', 'Orchioides Alba', 'Orchioides Splendens', 'Orchioides Sulphurea', 'Princess', 'Sanglok', 'Tashkent', 'Top Gold', 'Willmottiana Alba,



Iris bucharica crosses: 'Argument', 'Blue Bucharica-Stage 1', 'Blue Bucharica-Stage 3', 'Gaudiness', 'New Argument', 'Oriental Ornament', 'Russian Kavalergard', 'Twin', 'Warlsind,

a name="Distribution">----

Distribution and Cultivation

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-- BobPries - 2009-12-01
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Bucharica_Bot_Mag_7914.jpgjpg Bucharica_Bot_Mag_7914.jpg manage 285 K 12 Feb 2014 - 20:11 BobPries Biodiversity Heritage Library
Bucharica_Joyce_Fingerhut.jpgjpg Bucharica_Joyce_Fingerhut.jpg manage 88 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:35 BobPries Joyce Fingerhut photo
Dwarf_Afghan_form_Tony_Hall.jpgjpg Dwarf_Afghan_form_Tony_Hall.jpg manage 105 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:36 BobPries Tony Hall photo Dwarf Afghan
Dykes_plate_XVLIII_bucharica.jpgjpg Dykes_plate_XVLIII_bucharica.jpg manage 56 K 04 Jan 2011 - 16:16 BobPries From Dykes The Genus Iris
I._bucharica_May2016.JPGJPG I._bucharica_May2016.JPG manage 80 K 05 May 2016 - 02:39 TerryLaurin Photo by Kate Brewitt-Aurora Borealis Iris Garden,Aurora,ON.
I.bucharica_Swan_WingsJB17.jpgjpg I.bucharica_Swan_WingsJB17.jpg manage 36 K 09 Apr 2017 - 13:01 BetsyHiggins Photo by John Baumfalk
Iris-bucharica-2Walker.jpgjpg Iris-bucharica-2Walker.jpg manage 49 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:37 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris-bucharica-Fingerhut1.jpgjpg Iris-bucharica-Fingerhut1.jpg manage 64 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:39 BobPries Joyce Fingerhut photo
Iris-bucharica-Top_Gold1.jpgjpg Iris-bucharica-Top_Gold1.jpg manage 112 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:42 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris-bucharica-Walker1.jpgjpg Iris-bucharica-Walker1.jpg manage 73 K 15 Jan 2015 - 21:02 BobPries Walker photo
Iris-bucharica-baldshuan_yellow_Walker.jpgjpg Iris-bucharica-baldshuan_yellow_Walker.jpg manage 44 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:38 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris_bucharica_At_Denver_Botanic_Gardens_edited-1.jpgjpg Iris_bucharica_At_Denver_Botanic_Gardens_edited-1.jpg manage 113 K 28 Feb 2012 - 18:03 BobPries Panayoti Kelaidis photo
Iris_bucharica_Swan_Wings_KWW_1.jpgjpg Iris_bucharica_Swan_Wings_KWW_1.jpg manage 56 K 02 Mar 2015 - 03:41 Main.KWalker Photo by Ken Walker; Swan WIngs
Junobucharica9.jpgjpg Junobucharica9.jpg manage 56 K 09 Jul 2021 - 02:40 TerryLaurin Photo by Sandor Szasz-Iriszkert-Hungary
Walker_seed_photo_sampled.jpgjpg Walker_seed_photo_sampled.jpg manage 36 K 15 Jan 2015 - 20:46 BobPries Walker seed photo sampled
bucharica-Ken_Walker.jpgjpg bucharica-Ken_Walker.jpg manage 16 K 03 Sep 2010 - 01:14 BobPries Ken Walker photo
bucharica-pod1Ken_Walker.jpgjpg bucharica-pod1Ken_Walker.jpg manage 33 K 03 Sep 2010 - 01:04 BobPries Ken Walker photo
bucharica-pod2_ken_Walker.jpgjpg bucharica-pod2_ken_Walker.jpg manage 25 K 03 Sep 2010 - 01:05 BobPries Ken walker photo
bucharica-seeds_Ken_Walker.jpgjpg bucharica-seeds_Ken_Walker.jpg manage 47 K 03 Sep 2010 - 01:05 BobPries Ken Walker photo
bucharica.jpgjpg bucharica.jpg manage 98 K 10 Aug 2016 - 19:50 BobPries Bucharica mislabeled in Bot. Mag.
bucharica09.jpgjpg bucharica09.jpg manage 209 K 09 Mar 2020 - 11:28 TerryLaurin Photo by Christine Cosi-France
bucharica5.jpegjpeg bucharica5.jpeg manage 286 K 02 Feb 2023 - 21:13 TerryLaurin Photo by Wild Ginger Farm
bucharica_edited-1.jpgjpg bucharica_edited-1.jpg manage 41 K 01 Dec 2009 - 19:59 BobPries Plate from Dykes' Genus Iris
ibucharica01.jpgjpg ibucharica01.jpg manage 74 K 21 Sep 2014 - 18:13 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the John Weiler slide collection
ibucharica02.jpgjpg ibucharica02.jpg manage 73 K 21 Sep 2014 - 18:16 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the John Weiler slide collection
irisbucharica01.jpgjpg irisbucharica01.jpg manage 18 K 13 Jul 2015 - 19:45 TerryLaurin Photo by Christine Skelmersdale-Broadleigh Gardens-United Kingdom
Topic revision: r34 - 03 Jun 2024, BobPries
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