(SPEC) Iris calabra ( N.Terracc.) Peruzzi 1900, Terracciano, 2009 Peruzzi Iris calabra ( Nicola Terracciano, 1900) Originally described as a variety of Iris x ger...
(SPEC) Iris callilopha Alexander 1931, Alexander Iris callilopha (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931). In Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (C...
(SPEC) Iris canadensis M. Foster YYYY, Foster Iris canadensis ( Sir Michael Foster, ) Synonym of Iris hookeri or Iris setosa Pall. Link subspecies canadensis (M...
■ (SPEC) Iris capnoides Vved. 1971, Botanical author Vvedensky Iris capnoides Vved. ( A. I. Vvedensky), Western Tian Shan and Ala Tau mountains near Tashkent and...
(SPEC) Iris carolina Walter. see Iris virginica 1778, Walter Iris carolina (Thomas Walter, 1778, SE USA ex Small) THIS IS A SYNONYM OF Iris virginica Addition...
(Spec) 'Caroliniana' 1889, Watson 'Caroliniana' ( Sereno Watson, 1889. ). Series Laevigatae Blue; Blue self. Described by Watson as Iris caroliniana in Proc. Amer...
(SPEC) Iris caurina Herb. ex Hook. 1840, Herbert Iris caurina (William I. Herbert, 1840) Fl. Bor. Amer. (Hooker) ii. 206. Synonym of Iris versicolor Main.Bob...
■ (SPEC) Iris cedreti Dins. 1972, Botanical author J. E. Dinsmore Iris cedreti Dinsmore (John Edward Dinsmore, 1972, Cedars of Lebanon region at 2,000 meters); Se...
■ (Spec) Iris cengialti Ambrosi; see also 'Cengialti' 1854, Ambrosi Iris cengialti: (Francesco Ambrosi, 1854) Although this was considered a species by Ambrosi ...
(SPEC) 'Chamaeiris Alba' 1876, botanical author Van Houtte 'Chamaeiris Alba' (Louis Benoît Van Houtte, 1876). DB; Early bloom. Color Class W4; creamy yellow white...
(Spec) 'Charles Hardee' 1933, Nicholls Jr. 'Charles Hardee'. (Jesse C. Nicholls Jr., R. 1933). Series Laevigatae Mla. Color Class B1D; 36" (90 cm). Collected in N...
(SPEC) Iris chrysaeola Small 1929, Small Iris chrysaeola (John Kunkel Small, 1929) in . Now considered a collected hybrid Louisiana Iris. Addisonia gives: IRIS CH...
(SPEC) Iris chrysolopha Small 1931, Small Iris chrysolopha (John Kunkel Small, 1931). In Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N. Y. ...
(SPEC) Iris chrysophoenicia Small 1929, Small Iris chrysophoenicia (John Kunkel Small, 1929) in . Now considered a collected hybrid Louisiana Iris. Addisonia give...
■ (SPEC) Iris chrysophylla Howell 1897, Howell Iris chrysophylla Howell (T. J. Howell, 1897, Oregon); CA (Series Californicae); 8" (20 cm); Color Class Y1; Flower...
(SPEC) Iris ciliata L. f. 1782, Linneaus's Son Iris ciliata (Carl Von Linnaeus, Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. Apr 1782 . Synonym for Moraea ciliata (L.f.) Ker ...
(SPEC) 'Cilicica' 1928, Siehe and Baker ‘Cilicica’. ( Walter Siehe and Baker Cilician Taurus). Reticuata Section; Color Class B1D; Dark blue self. Barr 1928; Coll...
(SPEC) Iris citricristata Small 1931, Small Iris citricristata (John Kunkel Small, 1931) in Small Alexander, Bot. Interpr. Iridac. Pl. Gulf States (Contrib. N. ...
(SPEC) Iris citriregalis R. C. Foster 1937, R. C. Foster Iris citriregalis ( Robert Crichton Foster, 1937) in Contr. Gray Herb. 119: 54, nomen. 1937. An uncertain...
■ (SPEC) 'City Of Sails' 1986, May 'City Of Sails' (Merrilyn May, R. 1986). Seedling #U 715. Iris unguicularis . 8" (20 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale ...
(SPEC) Iris clandestina Lehm. 1826, Lehmann Iris clandestina (Johann Georg Christian Lehmann, 1826) in Sem. Hort. Bot. Hamburg. (1828) 16. Since the genus Iris do...
■ (SPEC) 'Claret Cup' 1948, Hillson 'Claret Cup' ( H. M. and R. C. Hillson, R. 1948). Iris versicolor; Color Class R1M; red violet self. (Iris Kermesina X Unkno...
(Spec) 'Claude Barr' 1983, Mech for Barr 'Claude Barr' (Betty Ann Mech, circa 1983). 12 to 14" (30 35 cm), Dwarf white form of Iris missouriensis offered by Rice ...
■(SPEC) Iris clausii Schwarz YYYY, botanical author Schwarz 'Clausii' (Otto Schwarz). Section Iris . Formerly placed as a species but the following information pr...
(SPEC) Iris clusiana Reich. 1847, Reichenbach Iris clusiana ( Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, 1847) Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 328. vol. 9, 1847. As a synonym of Iris...
(SPEC) 'Columbus Park' 1960, Motsch 'Columbus Park' ( Albert Motsch, R. 1960). Seedling #160. I. versicolor . Height 26" (65 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color ...
(SPEC) Iris comitissae Andrz. ex Trautv. 1884, Andrzejowski, Iris comitissae (Antoni Lukianowicz Andrzejowski, by way of Ernst Rudolf von Trautvetter, 1884) in Tr...
(SPEC) Iris compressa N. E. Br. 1782, Linnaeus' son Iris compressa (Carl Linnaeus, Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. Apr 1782 . Probably the same as Dietes iridioid...
(SPEC) 'Conquest' 2002, Unknown 'Conquest' (unregistered). Subgenus Scorpiris. April May bloom season after Reticulatas and at beginning of MDB.s. Offered by Paul...
■ (Spec) 'Contraband Girl' 1953, Duplechain 'Contraband Girl' ( Mrs. W. E. Duplechain, R. 1953). LA 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class Rv1L. Lavender pink self (F...
■(SPEC) Iris corygei Hort. ex Lynch 1904, Lynch Iris corygei (Richard Irwin Lynch,1904) in The Book of the Iris 146. believed to be an Iris variegata hybrid. Se...
(SPEC) Iris cosniae Hort. 1895, Hort Iris cosniae ( Sir Arthur Hort). ex The Garden xlvii. (1895) 351. flowered in Ware's Garden, probably 'Urmiensis' Main.B...
(SPEC) 'Count Of Nassau' a.k.a. 'King Of The Blues' 1896, Krelage 'Count Of Nassau' (E. H. Krelage Sons, 1896) Spanish Iris (Iris xiphium) Color code B3M; "Stan...
(SPEC) Iris crassifolia Lodd. 1832, Loddiges Iris crassifolia (Conrad and Walter Loddiges, 1832) Bot.Cab. 19(7): t. 1861. 1832 Nov 1832 ; name invalid. probably...
(SPEC) 'Crater Lake' 1932, L. W. Sanford 'Crater Lake' (L. W. Sanford, 1932) Subgenus Xiphium; English Iris; Middle to late bloom season; Color code B1M; introd...
(SPEC) 'Crest Of Hope' YYYY, Pries ‘Crest Of Hope’. (Robert Pries, unregistered). SPEC. 6” (15 cm.); Light blue, (RHS 94C) ground, with a white signal area and co...
(SPEC) 'Crested Fairy' 1944, Henry 'Crested Fairy' (Mary Henry, R. 1944) SPEC. Evansia. Color Class W3D. Collected wild, Smoky Mountains, North Carolina. Form of ...
(SPEC) 'Crested Gem' 1948, Henry 'Crested Gem' (Mary Henry, R. 1948) SPEC. Evansia. D. Color Class B1L. Collected from Walker County, Alabama. See below: * * Ref...
(SPEC) 'Crested Ivory' 1948, Henry 'Crested Ivory' (Mary Henry, R. 1948) SPEC. Evansia. D. Color Class W4. Collected 1942 from Walker County, Alabama. See below: ...
(SPEC) 'Cretensis Alba' 1988, Tickner ‘Cretensis Alba’. (Bess and Bernard Tickner, collected, 1988, Crete). White Cretan form, with a greeny yellow stripe in the ...
(SPEC) Iris cretica Herb. ex Baker 1892, Herbert Iris cretica (John Gilbert Baker, 1892) In Handbook Irid. 3. 1892 Aug Nov 1892 Synonym of Iris unguicularis Po...
(SPEC) Iris crispa L. f. 1781, Linnaeus's Son Iris crispa ( Carl Linnaeus, 1781) in Suppl. Pl. 98. 1782 1781 publ. April 1782 Not an Iris but Synonym of Moraea ...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata Solander 1789, botanical author Solander 'Cristata' (Daniel Solander, 1789) Tiny woodland Iris in South and Eastern USA, especially in the ...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata var. alba Dykes 1913, Dykes 'Cristata Alba' (William Rikatson Dykes, 1913) Gen. Iris 107, 241 . 1913; White form of Iris cristata' See b...
(SPEC) 'Azure' 1982, Davidson 'Azure' (B. LeRoy Davidson, 1982). "a good clear azure form found in Eastern Tennessee." B.L. Davidson, Bulletin A.R.G.S. 1982. Iri...
(SPEC) Iris cristata subsp. lacustris ( Nutt.) Iltis 1965, Iltis subspecies lacustris. (Hugh Helmut Iltis, 1965) The plants also known as the species Iris lacustr...
■ (SPEC) 'Cristata McDonald ' 1932, Crissey/McDonald/Borsch 2010, Schmieder 'Cristata McDonald' (W. L. Crissey and C. L. McDonald, Wm. Borsch Son, R. 1932) SPE...
■ (SPEC) Iris croatica Horvat 1962, Botanical authors I. M Horvat. 'Croatica' (Ivo and Marija Horvat, 1962, Croatia) Section iris. Flowers dark violet, Standard...
(SPEC) Iris cuatrecasasii Font Quer 1932, Font Quer Iris cuatrecasasii (Pio(Pius) Font Quer, 1932) in Cavanillesia v. 45 (1932) in obs. this is a synonym of Iris...
(SPEC) Iris cucullata Schur 1853, Schur Iris cucullata (Philipp Johann Ferdinand Schur, 1853). In Verh. Siebenb. Ver. Naturw. iv. (1853) 74. an undetermined beard...