Iris cedreti Dinsmore ex Chaudhary in Botaniska Notiser, 125 (4): 497 (1972). Chaudhary's description (1972) reads: "Plants rarely exceeding 40 cm in height. Rhizome rather oblique, compact, about 2.5 cm wide, pale yellow. Leaves 8 0r 9, up to 23 cm long, 1-2 cm wide from the keel to the margin, narrowed to the tip, the apex acute or narrowly obtuse. Flowers about 18 cm long from the base of the valves and about 9 cm wide. Valves about 10 cm long, inflated, green. Ovary stalk 0.5-1 cm long; the ovary about 3.3 cm long, triangular, 6-lobed; the ovary much longer and the lobes more pronounced in flowers that remain unfertilized or fail to open. Perianth tube about 3 cm long. Falls ovate, finely crenate or irregularly finely serrate, 6.5-8 cm long, 4.5-5.5 cm wide, the ground clear, white to lead-white; veins very fine, embossed, densely arranged (10-13 per cm), dark maroon to purplish-maroon; dots very fine, more embossed around the signal patch and the area above this level. In the darker biotype the dots on the falls are larger, anastomosing so closely that the dots form the ground and the ground appears as irregular white spots. Signal patch orbiculate, 1.7 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, dark maroon-purple. Beard of long, pink, purple, rusty brown or mottled hairs on a pale-green ground. Standard about 8.5 cm long, 6 cm wide, obovate, clawed, the claw channelled; the ground characteristic white to lead-white; veins very fine, purplish dark maroon, prominently embossed, parallel, densely arranged (13-20 per cm); dots very fine, very sparse in the central area, finer and denser in the lateral zones; the inner and outer faces of the standard with distinctly different shades-on the inner face the white to lead-white ground dominates while on the outer it is the purplish dark maroon that dominates. Stamens 3.5-4 cm long; the anthers usually more than twice as long as the filaments: the anthers creamy-white, sometimes purple-backed, often with a prominent sterile beak at the tip. Style branches about 4.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, dark maroon-purple, bilobed, strongly keeled, the keel with a small crest: the lobes about 1 cm long not exceeding the width of the style branch: the lobes upturned, veined and dotted like the falls. Pods about 8 cm long, inflated, lobed, narrowed towards both ends." |