

■(SPEC) Iris crocea Jacq.

1877, Botanical author Jacquemont

Iris crocea Jacq. (Victor Jacquemont, 1877, Kashmir); 38-40" (95-102 cm); Flowers 12-18 cm in diameter, golden yellow.

See below:
Iris crocea plate named aurea from DykesKen Walker photoKen Walker photoPhoto scanned from the Glenn Corlew slide collectionPhoto by Sandor Szasz-Iriszkert-HungarySeedsPhoto by Jean Claude Jacob-Iris de la Baie-FrancePhoto by Jean Claude Jacob-Iris de la Baie-FrancePhoto scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection


iris en Provence note: 1877 - Victor Jacquemont was deceased since 45 years (1832, India).
Jacquemont in Journal of the Linnean Society, 16, 141, 1877.
; MSS Kew & Berlin Bot. Gard.
Iris crocea Jacquem. ex R. C. Foster. Contributions to the Gray Herbarium No. 114, 41 (1936); vide Lawrence in Gentes Herbarium, viii. 21 (1949). syn. Spurea Aurea, I. aurea Klatt, in Linnaea, vol. xxxiv., p.618; Xyridion aureum Klatt in Bot. Zeit. 1872, p. 501.
Described under the name Iris aurea Lindl. By Baker in The Gardeners' Chronicles p. 584, Nov. 4, 1876.
Bakers description reads "Rhizome stout, oblique. Stem stout, terete, 3-3 ½ feet high, with several reduced leaves, and about two sessile flowers, in addition to the terminal one. Leaves 1 ½--2 feet long, ¾--1 inch broad, ensiform, hardly glaucous. Spathes two-flowered, composed of two tight-clasping lanceolate valves, 3-4 inches long. Pedicel 1-1 ½ inch long inside the spathe; ovary cylindrical, 1 inch long, deeply sulcate; tube about as long as the ovary, dilated suddenly at the top; limb 2 ½ --3 ½ inches deep, bright yellow; blade of the falls oblong, crisped at the edge, under 1 inch broad, equalling the claw in length; standards oblanceolate, shorter than the falls, under 1 inch broad. Stigmas 1 ¼--1 ½ inch long, excluding the deltoid crests. Anther longer than the ligulate filament."
"A native of the western Himalayas. A very fine plant, which I have not seen in English gardens at the present day. It was described and figured by Lindley from specimens sent home by Dr. Royle. My own notes were taken on living specimens sent from Germany by Herr Leichtlin. The single wild specimen I have seen was gathered by Jacquemont in grassy woods in Kashmir. Its general habit is just that of ochroleuca, but the flower is much deeper in colour."


'Spuria Aurea'

Chromosome counts

2n=40, Lenz & Day, 1963; 2n=40, Mehra & Pand., 1978; 2n=40, Simonet, 1932; 2n=40, Banerji; 1970; 2n=40, Sharma, 1970; 2n=34, Mehra & Sach., 1976; 2n=40, Karihaloo, 1978.


Iris crocea, 'Spurea Aurea'

Iris crocea crosses:
  • Iris crocea X Iris orientalis: 'Carol McKee', 'Mrs. H. R. Moore', 'Ochraurea'.
  • Iris orientalis X Iris crocea: 'Shelford Giant'.
  • Iris monnieri X Iris crocea: 'Monaurea'.
  • Iris crocea X Unknown : 'Mrs. Ethel Guiberson'.
  • Iris spuria X Iris crocea: 'Spuraur'.

Iris crocea with Series Hexagona:
  • Iris crocea X Iris fulva (Validity questioned) : 'Huaca'?
  • Iris fulva X Iris crocea (Vaidity questioned) : 'John Wister'.

¼ Iris crocea crosses: 'Cloudless Day'

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Interested in Iris Species? Please visit the: Species Iris Group of North America website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB | website (french language).


-- BobPries - 2009-12-01
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Iris-Crocea1.jpgjpg Iris-Crocea1.jpg manage 88 K 15 Nov 2021 - 14:10 TerryLaurin Photo by Jean Claude Jacob-Iris de la Baie-France
Iris_Crocea_3_n.jpgjpg Iris_Crocea_3_n.jpg manage 155 K 08 Sep 2015 - 09:11 Main.irisdelabaie Photo by Jean Claude Jacob-Iris de la Baie-France
Iriscrocea01.jpgjpg Iriscrocea01.jpg manage 44 K 18 Sep 2014 - 16:15 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Adele and Lewis Lawyer slide collection
aurea_edited-1.jpgjpg aurea_edited-1.jpg manage 34 K 01 Dec 2009 - 16:32 BobPries Iris crocea plate named aurea from Dykes' Genus Iris
crocea-_ken_walker.jpgjpg crocea-_ken_walker.jpg manage 20 K 01 Sep 2010 - 15:02 BobPries Ken Walker photo
crocea-pod_Ken_walker.jpgjpg crocea-pod_Ken_walker.jpg manage 43 K 01 Sep 2010 - 15:06 BobPries Ken Walker photo
crocea05.JPGJPG crocea05.JPG manage 607 K 06 Feb 2017 - 15:51 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Glenn Corlew slide collection
crocea60.jpgjpg crocea60.jpg manage 80 K 09 Jul 2021 - 02:13 TerryLaurin Photo by Sandor Szasz-Iriszkert-Hungary
crocea_seed.jpgjpg crocea_seed.jpg manage 32 K 29 Sep 2010 - 17:37 BobPries Seeds
Topic revision: r20 - 19 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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