■(SPEC) 'Eco White Angel' 1993, Jacobs 'Eco White Angel' ( Don Jacobs, not registered 1993) SPEC (cristata), 4" (10 cm). Midseason bloom. Selection of I. crist...
(SPEC) 'Ecristata' 1931, Alexander 'Ecristata' (Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinic; Color Class B1D; Standards shorter, wine red to purple except the yell...
■ (SPEC) 'Ecru' pre 1992, Selected 'Ecru' A pale yellow/ivory form, with black circle signals" Laurie's Garden 1992, also Redbud Lane 1992. "This clone actually...
(SPEC) 'Edith Cleaves' 1975, Cleaves by Amend 'Edith Cleaves' ( Edith Cleaves, deceased, by A. Amend, R. 1975) Unguicularis, 11" (27 cm), October April. Full viol...
(SPEC) 'Elegante' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Elegante’. A very dark blue. British Iris Society 1989 Year Book p. 43. Iris laevigata Fischer. Main.BobPries 2011 03 0...
(SPEC) Iris elephantina Small aka 'Elephantina' 1931, Small 'Elephantina' ( John Kunkel Small, 1931). Vinic; Color Class S1L; Ivory white, yellow signal patch. Ma...
(SPEC) 'Elwood Molseed' 1979, Molseed by Davidson 'Elwood Molseed' (Elwood Molseed, deceased, by R. Davidson, R. 1979) Evansia, 24" (61 cm). Early bloom. Standard...
(SPEC) 'Emperor' before 1842, ???r 'Emperor' ( before 1842) English Iris; Color code B3D; See below: * * References References Floral Cabinet 10: 261. Nov...
(SPEC) Iris lactea var. chinensis Koidz 1832, Author Fischer 'Ensata Chinensis' (Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer. 1832). Series Ensatae; See below: * * Refe...
(SPEC) 'Ernest' 1973, van Eeden ‘Ernest’. (P. B. van Eeden, 1973). Section Hermodactyloides. Standards Moorish blue (RHS 93C), falls veined bronze green on methyl...
(SPEC) 'Esk' 1998, Wickenden 'Esk' (Michael Wickenden, R. 1998) SPEC (pseudacorus), 66" (168 cm). Midseason bloom. Yellow, signal yellow. Very tall form of Iris ...
(SPEC) Iris eulefeldi Regel 1878?, Botanical author Regel 'Eulefeldi' (Edward August von Regel, 18 ); As Iris Eulefeldii Regel, in Act. Hort. Petrop, vol. v. p.83...
■ (SPEC) Iris unguicularis 'Eye Eye' 2017, Avent 'Eye Eye' (Tony Avent, 2017. Probably not yet registered) Taken from the Plant Delights catalog it is said to ...