

(Spec) Iris grijsii Maxim.

1880, Maximowicz

Iris grijsii (Carl Johann (Ivanovic) Maximowicz), 1880) Section Limniris, Series Chinenses Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg 26: 515. 1880. Considered by the World Checklist to be a synonym of Iris speculatrix Hance, J. Bot. 13: 196 (1875). See below:

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Iris grijsii Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, sér. 3, 26: 527 (1880).
Dykes in The Genus Iris, 1913:
Rootstock , a slender wide-creeping rhizome, clothed in the wiry remains of old leaves and resembling that of I. ensata.
Leaves , 6-14 in. by H--i in., linear-ensiform, stiff, finely but distinctly ribbed.
Stems , 4-6 in., bearing r-3 reduced leaves, and usually produced in pairs from the same point, 1-headed.
Spathes , narrow, acuminate, 2-3 in. long, slightly scarious at the edge, 2-3-flowered.
Pedicel , 1t-2½ in.
Ovary , cylindrical at first, but swelling rapidly to an oval, with a distinct beak at either end.
Tube , short, about ½ in.; in the dried state it is often difficult to see the division between the base of the tube and the beak of the ovary.
Falls . The lanceolate blade is faintly veined with pale red purple except round the end of the yeIIow central line where the veins spread out and the purple colour becomes more pronounced. The ground is white.
Standards , nearly white, faintly veined with pale reddish purple.
Styles , narrow, triangular.
Crests ,
This Iris in some ways resembles I. ensata, especiaily in the character of the rhizome. It is very variable in size, but is easily recognised by its curious habit of throwing up two stems side by side, clothed with much reduced leaves. The smallest specimen known is that described by Leveille (I.e.) as I. Cavaleriei. Here only one stem had had time to develop, but the second can be distinguished in its immature state alongside it and the leaves that clothe these stems are those described by Leveille as "interiora (folia) angustissima et brevissima."BuIIock's specimens from Wuhu have both the stems fully developed side by side. The ovary also is characteristic. It appears to swell very rapidly as the flower withers, and has a distinct beak. The base is not truncate, but narrows gradually to a distinct stump above the articulation at its junction with the pedicel, which is nearly as long as the spathe valves or even actually longer. Hance's description of the supposed capsule of this Iris in Journ. Bot. 1870, p. 314, is a mistake, for the description is certainly that of the capsule of I. ensata. Moreover, in the Kew Herbarium there is preserved a sheet from Dr Hance bearing plants of I. Grijsii and the capsules of I. ensata. Nothing is known as to the cultivation of this species.


Chromosome counts



Distribution and Cultivation

Distribution: Region:

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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r8 - 22 Aug 2017, AlainFranco
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