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■ (Spec) Iris klattii Kem.-Nath.

1951, Kemularia-Nathadze

Iris klattii (Liubov Manucharovna Kemularia-Nathadze, 1951), Section Limniris , Series Spuriae ; Klatt described it as Iris violaceae in Grossheim, Opr. Rast. Kauk. 635 (1949); but that name had already been used for a different Iris so it was changed to Iris klattii by Kemul.-Nath. in Not. Syst. Geogr.Inst. Bot. Tphilis., Fasc. 16, 4 (1951). Some authors today recognize it only as a variation under Iris spuria subspecies musulmanica. Breeding experiments have shown it to behave quite different from that iris and some distinctive characteristics such as red pollen suggest it is a distinct entity but the rank has yet to be settled.
Klattii crosses include; 'Lenkoran',

from the book from the book

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
I_KLATTII1_EI.jpgjpg I_KLATTII1_EI.jpg manage 212 K 08 Jul 2016 - 12:27 Main.ruiris from the book 'The Iris' (G. Rodionenko et al., 1981)
I_KLATTII_EI.jpgjpg I_KLATTII_EI.jpg manage 195 K 08 Jul 2016 - 12:08 Main.ruiris from the book 'The Iris' (G. Rodionenko et al., 1981)
Topic revision: r6 - 12 Jul 2016, BobPries
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